Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2020
Issued on: November 1, 2019
SUBJECT: Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2020
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, in accordance with section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (the “Act”) (8 U.S.C. 1157), after appropriate consultations with the Congress, and consistent with the Report on Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2020 submitted to the Congress on September 26, 2019, I hereby determine and authorize as follows:
根据《移民与国籍法》(称“该法”)(第8 USC 1157条)的规定,由美国宪法和美国法律赋予我为总统的职权,在与国会进行适当协商后,根据2019年9月26日提交给国会的《 2020财政年度难民拟议准入报告》,我特此确定并授权如下:
The admission of up to 18,000 refugees to the United States during Fiscal Year 2020 is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest. These admissions shall be allocated among refugees of special humanitarian concern to the United States in accordance with the following allocations:
1. Refugees who:
1. 难民:
- have been persecuted or have a well-founded fear of persecution on account of religion; or
- 因宗教而受到迫害或有充分理由担心受到迫害;或者
- who are within a category of aliens established under subsections (b) and (c) of section 599D of Title V, Public Law 101-167, as amended (the Lautenberg and Specter Amendments) 5,000
- 属于根据《公共法》 101-167,第五类第599D部分(b)和(c)条款修订的外国人类别(《劳登伯格和斯潘克特修正案》)-5,000人
2. Refugees who are within a category of aliens
2. 属于外国人类别的难民
listed in section 1243(a) of the Refugee Crisis in Iraq Act of 2007, Title XII, Div. A, Public Law 110 181, as amended 4,000
在《 2007年伊拉克难民危机法》第十二类第1243(a)节中列出。 A,公共法110 181,经修订的 4,000人
3. Refugees who are nationals or habitual residents of El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras 1,500
3. 难民,属萨尔瓦多、危地马拉或洪都拉斯的惯常居民或国民 1,500人
4. Other refugees, including, in particular:
4. 其它难民,尤其包括:
- those referred to the United States Refugee Admissions Program by a United States Embassy in any location;
- 任何地方的美国大使馆转交给美国难民接纳计划的人员;
- those who gain access to the United States Refugee Admissions Program for family reunification through the “Priority 3” process or through a Form I-730 following to join petition;
- 通过“优先权3”程序或加入请愿书之后通过I-730表格获得美国难民接纳计划家庭团聚的人;
- those currently located in Australia, Nauru, or Papua New Guinea who gain access to the United States Refugee Admissions Program pursuant to an arrangement between the United States and Australia; and
- 根据美国和澳大利亚之间的安排,目前位于澳大利亚,瑙鲁或巴布亚新几内亚的那些人可以参加美国难民接纳计划的人;和
- those in the United States Refugee Admissions Program who were in “Ready for Departure” status as of September 30, 2019. 7,500
- 那些截至2019年9月30日,处于美国难民准入计划的处于“准备出发”状态的人 7,500人
Total refugee admissions ceiling 18,000人
Additionally, after consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Attorney General, and upon notification to the appropriate committees of the Congress, you are further authorized to transfer unused admissions from a particular allocation above to one or more other allocations, if such transfer would be in the national interest and there is a need for greater admissions for the allocation to which the admissions will be transferred.
Consistent with section 2(b)(2) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 (22 U.S.C. 2601(b)), I hereby determine that assistance to or on behalf of persons applying for admission to the United States as part of the overseas refugee admissions program will contribute to the foreign policy interests of the United States, and I accordingly designate such persons for this purpose.
根据1962年《移民和难民援助法》(22 USC 2601(b))第2(b)(2)条,我特此确定,作为移民申请的一部分向申请入境美国的人提供援助,或代表他人的海外难民接纳方案,将有益于美国的外交政策利益,因此,我为此指定了这些人员。
Consistent with section 101(a)(42) of the Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(42)), and after appropriate consultation with the Congress, I also specify that, for Fiscal Year 2020, the following persons may, if otherwise qualified, be considered refugees for the purpose of admission to the United States within their countries of nationality or habitual residence:
根据该法案(8 USC 1101(a)(42))第101(a)(42)条的规定,并与国会进行适当磋商后,我还明确指出,在2020财政年度,以下人士如果合格,被视为在其国籍或惯常居住国家/地区入境美国的难民:
a. persons in Cuba;
a. 古巴人;
b. persons in Eurasia and the Baltics;
b. 欧亚大陆和波罗的海地区的人;
c. persons in Iraq;
c. 伊拉克人;
d. persons in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador; and
d. 洪都拉斯,危地马拉和萨尔瓦多的人员;和
e. in exceptional circumstances, persons identified by a United States Embassy in any location.
e. 在特殊情况下,任何地方美国大使馆所确定的人员。
You are authorized and directed to publish this determination in the Federal Register.
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