Statement from the Press Secretary Announcing the President’s Senate Trial Counsel.
Issued on: January 17, 2020
Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his Senate trial counsel, led by Counsel to the President Pat A. Cipollone and Jay Alan Sekulow. Mr. Cipollone and Mr. Sekulow will be joined by the following attorneys:
今天,唐纳德·J·特朗普总统宣布了他的关于参议院审判的律师团,由总统律师帕特·A·西波隆(Pat A. Cipollone)和杰伊·艾伦·塞库洛(Jay Alan Sekulow)领导。以下律师将加入西波隆和塞库洛:
Kenneth Starr, Former Solicitor General of the United States, Former Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and Former Independent Counsel
肯尼斯·史塔尔(Kenneth Starr)- 美国前副检察长,美国哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院原法官,前独立法律顾问
Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus, Harvard Law School
艾伦·德肖维兹 ( Alan Dershowitz)- Felix Frankfurter 名誉法学教授,哈佛法学院
Pam Bondi, Special Advisor to the President and Former Attorney General of Florida
帕姆·邦迪(Pam Bondi)- 总统特别顾问,佛罗里达州前检察总长
Jane Serene Raskin, Private Counsel to President Donald J. Trump
简·塞雷纳·拉斯金(Jane Serene Raskin)- 唐纳德·J·特朗普总统私人律师
Eric D. Herschmann,Kasowitz,Benson,Torres LLP
埃里克·赫斯曼(Eric D. Herschmann),卡索维兹(Kasowitz),本森(Benson),托雷斯(Torres)LLP
Robert Ray, Partner, Thompson and Knight, LLP, and Former Independent Counsel
汤普森律师事务所合伙人罗伯特·雷(Robert Ray),前独立法律顾问
President Trump has done nothing wrong and is confident that this team will defend him, the voters, and our democracy from this baseless, illegitimate impeachment. The Articles of Impeachment House Democrats have adopted threaten grave and lasting damage to our institutions and to our Nation. The President looks forward to the end of this partisan and unconstitutional impeachment. It’s time for Congress to turn its attention back to the work of the American people and leave sham political investigations like this one in the past.
特朗普总统没有做错任何事情,并且对以下具有信心 - 该团队将捍卫他,选民和我们的民主,使他免受这种毫无根据的,非法的弹劾。众议院民主党人通过的弹劾文件对我们的国家和我们的政府机构造成了严重和持久的损害和威胁。总统期待这一党派性质的和违宪的弹劾案的结束。现在是国会将注意力重新转回美国人民的工作,并让这种虚假的政治调查成为历史的时候了。
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