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President Donald J. Trump Is Taking Action to Protect Our Social Safety Net and Promote Self-Sufficiency for Non-Citizens
Issued on: May 23, 2019
“To protect benefits for American citizens, immigrants must be financially self-sufficient.”
President Donald J. Trump
• President Trump signed a memorandum to ensure agencies fully enforce restrictions in place under current law on the use of income-based welfare programs by non-citizens.
• 川普总统签署了一份备忘录,以确保各机构根据现行法律,充分执行对非公民以收入为基准的福利方案的限制。
Under current law, individuals sponsoring a non-citizen must take on financial responsibility for any income-based welfare benefits they receive.
• The President is directing agencies to issue guidance to ensure income-based welfare payments are recovered from the sponsor.
• 总统指示各机构发布指导意见,以确保从担保人那里收回以收入为基准的福利金支出。
Agencies will ensure sponsors are advised of their financial obligations under the law.
Cases where the sponsor fails to pay the lawfully required reimbursements will be referred for collection procedures in accordance with the law.
• The national policy signed into law by President Clinton in 1996 made clear that aliens should “not depend on public resources to meet their needs.”
• 克林顿总统于1996年签署的国家政策明确规定,外国人“应该不依赖公共资源来满足他们的需求”。
• President Clinton signed legislation to require that the sponsor of a non-citizen be requested to reimburse any income-based welfare benefits the non-citizen receives.
• 克林顿总统签署立法,要求为非公民做担保的人偿还非公民收到的任何基于收入的福利好处。
This legislation, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, was supported by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).
• President Clinton also signed legislation requiring the sponsor’s financial resources to be considered when determining whether a non-citizen is eligible for income-based welfare.
• 克林顿总统还签署了立法,要求在确定非公民是否有资格获得基于收入的福利时,要考虑其担保人的财务资源。
This legislation, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, was supported by top Congressional Democrats.
ABUSE OF THE WELFARE SYSTEM: Rampant welfare abuse by non-citizens is straining the social safety net and jeopardizing benefits needed by the most vulnerable American citizens.
• Vast numbers of non-citizens and their families take advantage of our welfare programs.
• 大量非公民及其家人占我们福利计划的便宜。
78 percent of households headed by a non-citizen with no more than a high school education use at least one welfare program.
58 percent of all households headed by a non-citizen use at least one welfare program.
50 percent of all non-citizen headed households include at least one person who receives health insurance through Medicaid.
• Welfare payments to sponsored aliens put further stress on our Nation’s safety net programs.
• 对被担保的外国人的福利支出,进一步加剧了我们国家社安体系计划的压力。
MERIT-BASED IMMIGRATION: This is the latest step by the Trump Administration to ensure that those coming to our country are self-sufficient and do not strain our public resources.基于素质的移民:这是川普政府的最新举措,旨在确保来到我国的人能够自给自足,不会使我们的公共资源紧张。
• Under our current immigration system, two-thirds of immigrants entering the United States do so based on family ties rather than on skill or merit.
• 根据我们目前的移民制度,进入美国的移民中有三分之二是基于家庭关系而非技能或素质。
• This follows the President’s proposed housing rule that would require verification of the immigration status of anyone who seeks to access housing benefits.
• 这符合总统提出的住房规则,该规则要求核实任何寻求获得住房福利的人的移民身份。
• A merit-based immigration system would further ensure that immigrants make positive contributions to the United States.
• 以素质为基础的移民制度将进一步确保移民对美国作出积极贡献。
• Americans widely agree with the President, with around 73 percent of Americans supporting requirements that immigrants be able to support themselves financially.
• 美国人广泛认同总统,大约73%的美国人支持该要求,即移民能够在财政上资助自己。
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