印度发生火车相撞的重大交通事故,至少261人死亡,数百人受伤。图为火车事故抢救现场。(图片来源:DIBYANGSHU SARKAR/AFP/Getty Images)
《印度时报》(The Times of India)、路透社、法新社报导,6月2日晚,从印度邦加罗尔开往霍拉的一列客运火车Howrah Superfast Express10节车厢脱轨,撞上对向轨道上从加尔各答开往清奈的另一列货运火车Coromandel Express。
奥里萨邦(Odisha state)首席秘书普拉迪普·耶纳(Pradeep Jena)在推特上称,200多辆救护车被召集到事故现场,100名医生被调到现场。
#TrainAccident So far 850 injured sent to hospital. Around 80 deaths reported in violent train accident in Odisha. Rescue efforts in full swing. >200 ambulances and 100+Addl doctors mobilised. All hospitals serving the injured. Rescue teams working hard to save the situation.
— Pradeep Jena IAS (@PradeepJenaIAS) June 2, 2023
I am deeply saddened by the terrible train crash in Odisha, India.
— Muhammad Talhaa (@iam__zez) June 3, 2023
My condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones in this tragic accident, as well as to those who have been injured. May all the injured have speedy recovery
PRAYERS FROM PAKISTAN 🇵🇰#TrainAccident pic.twitter.com/r2TX3aZaxe
— JazzTasil ✋ (@TasilJazz) June 3, 2023
💠 A devastating collision unfolded within the heart of eastern India's Odisha state.
💠 The formidable Coromandel Express clashed with the mighty Howrah Superfast Express.
1/2 pic.twitter.com/BqsEx4W8hx
Prayers up for India. 300 people dead as a result of train crash
— Olu' Samuel 🇳🇬 (@OluSamuelBGG) June 3, 2023
Source @spectatorindex pic.twitter.com/DjDWMtBg9q
More than 288 killed, 900 injured in three-train crash in #India
— Arzoo Kazmi|आरज़ू काज़मी | آرزو کاظمی | 🇵🇰✒️🖋🕊 (@Arzookazmi30) June 3, 2023
😢😢😭😭😭#TrainTragedy#India#StayStrong Neighbours 🙏🙏🙏 pic.twitter.com/JJJVS7XYQo
Death toll from India train crash rises to 233, rescue work continues #india #train #IndianEconomy pic.twitter.com/rjRMi2uSte
— Ismail Rojbayani (@ismailrojbayani) June 3, 2023
幸存的乘客Anubha Das说,他永远不会忘记这一幕。“家人被压垮,到处是尸体,铁轨上血迹斑斑。”
铁道部长Ashwini Vaishnaw说,死者家属将获得100万卢比(约1.2万美元)赔偿,重伤者将获得20万卢比(约2400美元),轻伤者获得5万卢比(约600美元)。“这是一起重大的悲剧性事故,我们完全专注于救援和救援行动,正在努力确保受伤者得到最好的治疗。”
印度总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)在推特上写道:“这次火车事故令人感到相当沉重。此刻的我与罹难者家属同在,愿伤者快速康复。救援行动已经展开,会提供受害者们一切可能的协助。”
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 2, 2023
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