图为2016年10月19日,美国总统大选期间,两位总统候选人川普(后)和希拉里(前)在第三次总统辩论会上。(图片来源:Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
【看中国2022年2月15日讯】(看中国记者程雯编译/综合报导)近日曝光的美国司法部特别检察官达勒姆(John Durham)的最新调查报告显示,前民主党总统候选人希拉里.克林顿在2016年的竞选阵营对当年的共和党总统候选人及后来的美国总统川普进行了间谍行动,这引起了众多共和党人的极大愤怒,他们认为这绝对是犯罪,甚至是叛国,参与其中的罪犯必须要进监狱。
共和党全国委员会(RNC)主席罗娜.麦克丹尼尔(Ronna McDaniel)说:“达勒姆的报告显示,川普竞选团队和白宫遭到非法监视,费用由(希拉里)克林顿竞选团队支付。需要有问责。”
Durham’s report shows that the Trump campaign and White House were illegally spied on, paid for by the Clinton campaign.
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) February 14, 2022
There needs to be accountability.
来自德克萨斯州的国会众议员罗尼.杰克逊(Ronny Jackson)说:“希拉里.克林顿是美国历史上最腐败的政客。她如何监视川普总统这是犯罪!这也只是冰山一角。希拉里罪行的全部真相尚未揭晓,把她锁起来!”
Hillary Clinton is the MOST corrupt politician in American history. How she spied on President Trump is CRIMINAL! This is just the tip of the iceberg too. The full truth of Hillary’s crimes have yet to be revealed. LOCK HER UP!
— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) February 14, 2022
来自纽约州的众议员克劳迪娅.坦尼(Claudia Tenney)说:“腐败的(希拉里)克林顿竞选团队付钱来监视他们的政治对手。国会的调查即将到来。真相会大白的。”
The corrupt Clinton campaign paid a team to spy on their political opponent.
— Congresswoman Tenney (@RepTenney) February 14, 2022
Congressional investigations are coming. The truth will come out.
来自田纳西州的参议员玛莎.布莱克本(Marsha Blackburn)说:“有证据表明,希拉里.克林顿和她的竞选团队向科技公司支付了费用,以制造唐纳德.川普与俄罗斯有关系的虚假叙事。”
Evidence is out that Hillary Clinton and her campaign allegedly paid tech companies to manufacture a false narrative that Donald Trump was linked with Russia.
— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) February 14, 2022
It’s time for @HillaryClinton to answer serious questions about her ties to the Russia hoax. https://t.co/8pWuMoyJPD
— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) February 14, 2022
国会众议院共和党会议主席、来自纽约州的众议员伊莉丝.斯特凡尼克(Elise Stefanik)说:“希拉里.克林顿必须立即为她参与的我们一生中最大的、刑事的、政治的、腐败故事负责。川普是对的。”
Hillary Clinton must immediately be held accountable for her involvement in the biggest criminal political corruption story of our lifetime. #TrumpWasRight https://t.co/CkHszhZmpk
— Elise Stefanik (@EliseStefanik) February 14, 2022
This is the biggest criminal political corruption story of our lifetime.
— Elise Stefanik (@EliseStefanik) February 14, 2022
America deserves accountability for these crimes #TrumpWasRight https://t.co/p7gnqRfWRJ
路易斯安那州的众议员迈克.约翰逊(Mike Johnson)说:“这比水门事件更大。”
This is bigger than Watergate. https://t.co/CEEorwSULr
— Rep. Mike Johnson (@RepMikeJohnson) February 14, 2022
印第安纳州的众议员吉姆.班克斯(Jim Banks)质问道:“如果你输掉一场总统大选,对应办法是通过非法监视白宫来对正当当选的总统搞破坏,那你犯了什么罪?”
What crime are you guilty of if you lose a presidential race and respond by illegally spying on the White House to undermine the duly-elected president?
— Jim Banks (@RepJimBanks) February 14, 2022
来自德克萨斯州的参议员特德.克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)说:“希拉里的律师和一名科技高管密谋监视在任总统。当川普说这事在发生时,媒体嘲笑他。现在腐败的企业媒体正试图忽视它并掩盖真相。这些罪犯需要进监狱。比水门事件还糟糕。”
Hillary’s lawyer conspired with a tech executive to spy on the sitting President.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 15, 2022
When Trump said this was happening, the media mocked him.
Now the corrupt corporate media is trying to ignore it & hide the truth.
These criminals NEED TO GO TO JAIL.#WorseThanWatergate
肯塔基州的参议员兰德.保罗(Rand Paul)说:“MIA(指‘行动中失踪’)的主要的左翼公民自由主义者何时会谴责滥用情报机构监视竞选活动的行为?无论你是左派还是右派,宪法的存在都是有原因的。拿一个搜查令来。”
If civil libertarians on the left cared a lick about consistency, they’d join me in calling for the US Senate to fully investigate Clinton spying on the Trump campaign! https://t.co/SR8OqSBFkX
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) February 15, 2022
蒙大拿州的众议员史蒂夫.戴恩斯(Steve Daines)说:“(希拉里)克林顿竞选阵营干预川普竞选的重磅炸弹故事令人瞠目结舌。(希拉里)克林顿的人们需要承担责任。”
The bombshell stories of election interference from the Clinton campaign against Trump are jaw-dropping. Clinton’s people need to be held accountable.
— Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) February 15, 2022
德克萨斯州的众议员帕特.法伦(Pat Fallon)说:“需要有人对希拉里.克林顿对美国在任总统的间谍活动负责。”
Someone needs to be held accountable for Hillary Clinton's spying on the sitting President of the United States.
— Rep. Pat Fallon (@RepPatFallon) February 14, 2022
众议院共和党党鞭史蒂夫.斯卡利斯(Steve Scalise)说:“现在同样的媒体对这起巨大的丑闻保持沉默。他们是同谋。”
Yesterday it was revealed that the Clinton Campaign paid a tech company to infiltrate Trump Tower/White House servers and drum up the now-debunked phony Russian collusion hoax that the media ran with.
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) February 13, 2022
Now that same media is silent on this massive scandal.
They're complicit. pic.twitter.com/lCCSXDV6mg
南卡罗来纳州众议员南希.梅斯(Nancy Mace)说:“有人应该为此进监狱。也许媒体现在可以开始报导它,而不是像它们多年来所做的那样掩盖和排斥它?”
People should go to jail for this. Perhaps the media could now start to cover it, rather than cover it up and dismiss it as they’ve done for years now? (3/3)#DurhamReport
— Nancy Mace (@NancyMace) February 14, 2022
北卡罗来纳州众议员麦迪逊.考索恩(Madison Cawthorn)把希拉里.克林顿的竞选活动称为“犯罪运动”。
Clinton Crime Campaign.
— Madison Cawthorn (@CawthornforNC) February 13, 2022
President Trump is absolutely right.
— Madison Cawthorn (@CawthornforNC) February 14, 2022
Democrats can spy on a Republican President and the media says nothing.
Tout a fake Russia narrative for years and the media get Pulitzer Prizes.
Disgusting. https://t.co/LcAtsV0XOE
俄亥俄州的众议员吉姆.乔丹(Jim Jordan)说:“一家科技公司黑客了白宫并监视了一位在任总统。这应该令每个人担忧。但是主流媒体却拒绝报导它。”
A tech company hacked the White House and spied on a sitting President.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) February 14, 2022
This should concern everyone.
But the mainstream media refuses to cover it.
佛罗里达州的众议员格雷格.斯图布(Greg Steube)指责希拉里竞选团队针对川普的间谍行动是“叛国活动”。
We know now that the Clinton campaign was conspiring against a legitimately elected President, even after he got elected to the White House. It’s the basis of treasonous activity.
— Congressman Greg Steube (@RepGregSteube) February 14, 2022
I joined @FoxBusiness @VarneyCo to explain how the GOP will hold them accountable. pic.twitter.com/OMlX74lT5Q
亚利桑那州众议员安迪.比格斯(Andy Biggs)说:“民主党人不希望你相信(希拉里)克林顿阵营在监视川普总统。这比水门事件大得多,真相会源源不断的!”
The Dems don't want you to believe that the Clinton camp was spying on President Trump.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) February 15, 2022
This is far bigger than Watergate, and the truth WILL keep coming out!
宾夕法尼亚州众议员盖伊.雷申塔勒(Guy Reschenthaler)质问说:“如果政客可以与科技公司合谋监视在任总统。你认为他们能对你做什么?”
If politicians can conspire with tech companies to spy on a sitting president, what do you think they can do to you?
— Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (@GReschenthaler) February 15, 2022
佛罗里达州众议员马特.盖茨(Matt Gaetz)说:“我们是对的。是希拉里。请记住这一点,因为试图陷害川普的‘当权者’在继续他们的追求。还要记住是谁在告诉大家真相!”
We were right.
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) February 13, 2022
It was Hillary.
Keep that in mind as the “powers that be” which tried to frame Trump continue their pursuits.
Also remember who was telling you the TRUTH!
川普任职总统时期的白宫幕僚长马克.梅多斯(Mark Meadows)说:“他们不只是监视了唐纳德.川普的竞选活动。他们还监视了唐纳德.川普作为美国在任总统。这一切比我们想像的还要糟糕。”
They didn’t just spy on Donald Trump’s campaign.
— Mark Meadows (@MarkMeadows) February 12, 2022
They spied on Donald Trump as sitting President of the United States.
It was all even worse than we thought. https://t.co/z991l7Mc9r
众议院共和党领袖、众议员凯文.麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)说:“民主党人被发现从事间谍活动,首先是针对候选人川普,然后是针对他在白宫担任总统时。通俄门骗局从一开始就是一个谎言——由他的政敌制造——必须要把参与这一反美国活动的每个人都绳之以法。”
Democrats got caught spying, first on candidate Trump and then when he was President IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) February 13, 2022
The Russia hoax was a lie from day one—manufactured by his political enemies—and every person involved with this un-American activity must be brought to justice.
密苏里州参议员乔什.霍利(Josh Hawley)说:“现在我们知道了。2016年(希拉里)克林顿的竞选活动是一场犯罪活动。付钱给技术高管渗透川普服务器和白宫。是时候让某人进监狱了。”
Now we know. The 2016 Clinton campaign was a criminal enterprise. Paying tech executives to infiltrate Trump servers & the White House. Time for someone to go to jail https://t.co/JmCWI8RrwW
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) February 13, 2022
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