Q Mr. President, you, a couple days ago, said that you might reach out to Kim Jong Un directly, but also that you were working to find out if those reports about him being in possible medical trouble were true. I’m wondering if you’ve either —
THE PRESIDENT: I hope he’s not in medical trouble.
Q Well —
THE PRESIDENT: I hope he’s —
Q — have you heard anything from North Korea or —
THE PRESIDENT: I’ve gotten along very well with him. And you know, here we are. You would have been in a war with North Korea if I didn’t get elected President. Remember, I was going to be the one that took us into war, with my first day in office. Okay? Here we are. Look at what’s happened. Withdrawal. We’re bringing people home. We’re not going to serve as policemen all over the world. I don’t want to be policemen all over the world.
Q But have you been able to leverage that relationship?
THE PRESIDENT: And yet I’ve rebuilt our military to a level that it’s never been built at before.
Q Have you been able to get more information?
THE PRESIDENT: But it’s never recognized by the fake news.
Go ahead.
Q Have you been able to use that relationship to get more information about his status?
THE PRESIDENT: Uh, I think the report was incorrect. Let me just put it that way. I think the report was done by a network that was incorrect.
Q So you blame —
THE PRESIDENT: I’m hearing they used old documents. But I — that’s what I hear. I hear the report was an incorrect report. I hope it was an incorrect report.
Q When was the last time you heard from him?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t want to say.
Q Since you pointed to me, just a quick question about that. So you haven’t made any contact, though? Just to make sure.
Q The North Koreans.
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t want to say. I won’t say that.
Q Okay, so —
THE PRESIDENT: We have a good relationship with North Korea — as good as you can have. I mean, we have a good relationship with North Korea. I have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un, and I hope he’s okay. And somebody would say, “Oh, that’s terrible.” No, it’s not terrible. I hope he’s okay. And I think it was a fake report done by CNN.
Q So can I ask you a question?
THE PRESIDENT: What do you have? Go ahead.
Q No, I would like —
THE PRESIDENT: No, that’s enough.
Go ahead.
Q Can I ask —
Q But that wasn’t my question.
THE PRESIDENT: The problem is you don’t write the truth, so, you know, as far as I’m concerned —
Q What are you referencing?
THE PRESIDENT: — I want to go — I want to go to the next question.
Q But can I ask you a question about Rick Bright?
THE PRESIDENT: No, not CNN, please.
Go ahead.
Q The White House has not responded —
THE PRESIDENT: You don’t —
Q — to these allegations —
THE PRESIDENT: I told you —
Q — to Rick Bright.
THE PRESIDENT: — CNN is fake news. Don’t talk to me.
Go ahead, please.
Q He says he was — but he says he was retaliated against and that’s why he was removed from his job. Do you have a response to that?
THE PRESIDENT: Okay, next question.
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