Editor's Words on the 12th Anniversary of Vision China Times in Australia
Today's edition marks Vision China Times' 12th anniversary and 600th edition in Australia. My publisher told me that on the anniversary of every centenary edition, in keeping with Chinese tradition, I need to write something "nice" for the front page, thanking our readers and clients. Every time I hear this, my head explodes. Despite the profoundness of the Chinese language, there is only so much one can write pandering to formalities before it gets dry and boring. Actually I am confident that readers can feel the efforts and sincerity of our staff every week when they read our paper.
Let me be forthright and to the point. A scholar at an Australian university once interviewed me for his research report. He asked, "Do you have the courage to continue this independent Chinese newspaper?" I replied, "Courage is essential in the face of independent reporting, which Vision China Times adheres to 100%, but it is not the key to whether or not we can continue this newspaper. Whether we can continue is highly dependent on the Australian government standing by this country's democratic values."
In recent years, under the intense interference of a certain foreign government into the Chinese community, independent Chinese language media must survive and compete in an extremely inequitable market space. Thankfully Australia is a liberal democracy so that Vision China Times was able to survive and grow throughout the past 12 years.
The scholar also asked me, "How do you rate politicians of Chinese background?" I said with a sigh, "We are definitely not lacking in examples of negative role models. There are simply too many who, for their own interests, speak on behalf of foreign governments whilst misleading the Chinese community and Australian government in the process."
When Chinese migrants arrive on this democratic land, it is without a doubt that we would love this country, integrate into this liberal society and enjoy the diversity and freedom offered. Vision China Times has overcome many hardships from the onset to continuously provide the best possible service to our readers.
For the past few years, Vision China Times' independent reporting has earned the recognition of Australia's mainstream society. We hope this continued partnership will ensure we are truly able to build the bridge between the mainstream and the Chinese community in our efforts to be a fair and trustworthy Chinese language media platform.
Lastly, I would like to thank our readers and clients for their continued support!
Yan Xia
Chief Editor
Vision China Times Australia
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