Dear sir or madam,
My name is Zhu,Yaping and live in Room 105,No.176,Rihuiliucun,Xuhui District,Shanghai,China.On March 9th,2018 my wife Ge,kaiying went to Beijing,the capital of China,to submit letters to relevant government departments in order to complain about the Shanghai Huangpu District Construction and Management Committee’s and Government Subdistrict Office’s serious violation of law and the persecution of our family in Shanghai.On her way home,my wife was clandestinely kidnapped in Beijing by the Shanghai Municipal Government Office and terrorists who they hired as temporary workers.My wife was then sent via G157 High Speed Rail to anew Nazi concentration camp in the Qingcheng Area of Qingpu District,Shanghai.I have totally lost contact with her.
Because my wife was illegal kidnaped and imprisoned without any judicial procedure,her life and health are in extreme danger.After Ireceived no answer trying to speak to the governments at all levels in China in order to release my wife,I have to beg for help from parliamentarians,government officials,media and people from all walks of life of international society who love peace and oppose tyranny.I hope this letter will be transferred to senior Chinese government authorities.I would like to express my heartfelt thanks here.
The National People's Congress is being held in Beijing now.Xi,Jinping,the chairman of China,spoke of“Safeguarding the dignity of the Constitution,guaranteeing the implementation of the Constitution and guaranteeing the fundamental interests of the national people”in several public speeches.However,the actual situation with the local authorities is still no good;this includes Shanghai,which is viewed as an international metropolis.Because the power of local officials in Shanghai is too strong,they can dispatch powerful judicial departments at any time and place to suppress law-abiding citizens with fascist repression and cruel deprivation of human rights.Their anti-humanistic actions will eventually be opposed by the world,and they will finally be brought to justice.
Please accept my sincere appreciation.
March 12th,2018
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