Chang Ping Urges Chinese People to Awaken and Break the Shackles of Information Freedom
The CCP』s Central Propaganda Department has been
dominating public opinion and tightly restricting media
coverage for a long time.
Last month, a senior journalist, Chang Ping, was fired
by the Southern Daily Group.
Recently, he openly called on Chinese press circle
to bravely break the CCP』s shackles of speech freedom.
He believes that China's media professionals have
already awakened. There are many bold and outspoken
people in the Southern Daily Group .
Accordingly to Hong Kong』s Apple Daily,
Chang Ping said during an interview, he has no
regret for his dismissal due to criticizing the regime.
During his farewell party held by his colleagues,
he said: "I leave with no shackle lost, as I did not
have it on. I hope everyone is like that."
Chang Ping, whose real name is Zhang Ping, was once
a news director of The Southern Weekend and
associate editor of The Southern Weekly Magazine.
He was suppressed many times for criticizing
the regime, but he refused to “remain quiet.”
Late last month, The Southern Daily Group dismissed him,
causing uproars in the press circle. Thousands of people
signed a joint letter on the Internet to support him.
The CCP』s Central Propaganda Department has
dominated public opinion and strictly limited
media reports for a long time. However, more and
more media professionals break through the pressure
to speak out and expose the truth.
The CCP is exhausted in keeping up with the suppression.
In addition to Chang Ping, there are many famous,
outspoken journalists in The Southern Daily Group.
Jiang Yiping, former editor of The Southern Weekend
published lots of articles with great impacts.
He even published an interview with Mao Zengdoing』s
former secretary Li Rui when he was head of
The 21 Century World Herald.
Ex-chief editor of The Southern Metropolis Daily,
Cheng Yizhong, boldly reported on the dark side of the
current society. He frequently challenged the CCP』s
bottom line when he was head of The Beijing News.
Peng Xiaoyun also joined Chang Ping』s farewell party.
Peng is also an outspoken media professional, and
was once director of the commentary dept. of
Guangdong』s Time Weekly. Peng was forced to
“take vacation” early January due to his planning in
publishing “The 100 Influential People” that includes
dissidents, especially tainted milk victim』s father of
Zhao Lianhai, who was sentenced for defending
the rights of victims』 parents.
International Federation of Journalists issued an
annual report titled Vocal: China Press Freedom 2010.
It lists CCP』s press restrictions suppressed journalists.
It shows press freedom continues to deteriorate in China.
Facing severe pressure, some Chinese reporters
did not retreat.
Later last month, Chengdu Business Daily journalist,
Long Can, was dismissed for truthfully reporting
the event of Fudan University students trapped in
Mount Huang, who obtained no support after reporting
to the police for three times. His colleague Li Jianjun
wrote to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper
to support Long Can, but was also dismissed.
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