
发表:2011-02-08 23:45
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香港中文大学教授林和立: 「北京一贯对所谓颜色革命都比较紧张,认为在一些原来相对独裁的国家里,民众受到西方和平演变的影响,人民的力量显示,而且可能推翻独裁政权。中国媒 体是把关注点尽量避重就轻的报导,避免引起一般民众提问颜色革命会不会将在中国发生等等”


针对这个问题,《德国之声》引述了中国问题专家章家敦(Gordon Chang)的论断说:“中国共产党人完全有理由不安。在一个光纤相连的世界,革命的热情不仅从一个国家引发到另一个国家,而且从一个大陆到另一个大陆。如同突尼斯人和埃及人一样,中国人日益失去对独裁制度的恐惧。北京的共产党领导人虽然在最近几年加剧了打压,但是,他恫吓的效果却越来越小。……


No matter whether the Egyptian incident in which over a million people took to street and shocked the Mubarak regime or the Tunisian incident when president Ben Ali was overthrown, they all made Beijing authorities more and more worried about Chinese people』s uprisings. The Chinese official media made no reports on Egyptian request for political reforms, but focused on how to rescue Chinese citizens trapped in Egypt.

The situation in Egypt is making headlines everyday. While the United Nations, and countries such as U.K. and U.S. try to help contain the situation, the CCP is
controlling media to “lighten” such political incident, and blocking the word “Egypt” from the Internet.

According to a Reuters report on Feb 2, CCP controlled media remained silent on the Egypt situation, as CCP worries that the call for political reform in the Arab
world will affect China. The Egypt situation is regarded as non-crucial news, and images of mass protests are not published. The media focus entirely on the government』s effort to save the Chinese citizens in Egypt, avoiding any mention of the political unrest.

The RFI remarks that the Chinese people suffer from corruption and lack of freedom much like Egyptians. The unrests in the Arab world, from mass protests in Egypt to the overthrow of Ben Ali in Tunisia, deeply troubled the CCP. Beijing worries that these incidents may trigger calls for democracy in China, which has led to tightened media control and Internet censorship.

Prof. Lin Heli from Hong Kong Chinese University: “Beijing is afraid of the so-called color revolution, knowing that people under dictatorship are inspired
by peaceful evolution in the Western world, and forces may rise to overthrow the dictatorship. The Chinese media underweight these incidents in order to avoid questions on the possibility of color revolution in China.”

Lin also points out that although mass incidents occur frequently in China, the government still maintains a tight control over the public by utilizing forces
such as the army and the police force.

Deutsche Welle quoted China expert Gordon Chang: “CCP has every reason to be afraid. In a connected world like this, the revolution spirit will spread from one country to another, from one continent to another. Just like the unisians and the Egyptians, the Chinese is overcoming the fear of the dictatorship. In recent years, although the CCP increased the degree of oppression, it is becoming less and less effective…”


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