
发表:2009-07-09 20:15
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中新网发布消息,标题为:"乌鲁木齐7·5事件:中国学会了面对境外媒体"。 该报道开头就称:乌鲁木齐"7·5"事件发生后,中国媒体报道迅速,官方应对有度,赢得境外媒体一致肯定,有报道指出,"中国学会了面对境外媒体。"


编辑发现,泰晤士报的很多方面完全被忽视了,例如But it will also want to tell its increasingly well-informed people what happened - or, at least, as much as the propaganda mandarins feel can be told - without damaging the idea of national unity that is the party's latest watchword. 这句说到宣传部门对能报道什么还是要把关的。

泰晤士报对西藏和四川事件的分析是这样的: In Tibet it disastrously lost the propaganda war. It regained sympathy after the Sichuan earthquake, only to see that dissipate after a few weeks with the arrests of activists who wanted to know why more schools had collapsed than government buildings. (大意:西藏事件上,中共灾难性的丧失了宣传战。四川地震后,得到了一些认可,在数周后,挑战地震中倒塌的豆腐渣建筑的维权人士被捕后,这些认可又烟飞云散。

泰晤士的评价有:本次不同,但还是有限度的(This time things are different, but only up to a point)。

泰晤士报道还提到:开放的局限已经很明显,对140人死亡没有解释,他们都是暴乱受害者吗?官方媒体说局势得到控制:是如何得到控制的?居民听到了枪声,军警有没有开枪镇压暴乱者?"But the limits to this openness are already apparent. There has been scant explanation of how 140 people were killed and more than 800 injured in a few hours of violence. Were all of them victims of angry Uighurs chafing at Chinese rule? State media has announced that the unrest has been brought under control. How? Residents said they heard gunshots: did security forces open fire to halt the rioters? "


纽约时报的标题是:In Latest Upheaval, China Applies New Strategies to Control Flow of Information ,主要还是讲事件中国在这个事件后采取的新的办法限制有关信息的。

开头就说:China's central government took all the usual steps to enshrine its version of events as received wisdom: it crippled Internet service, blocked Twitter's micro-blogs, purged search engines of unapproved references to the violence, saturated the Chinese media with the state-sanctioned story。大意是,用断网、封饭否(Twitter),禁止搜索有关内容等手段,让官方的报道淹没中文媒体。

纽约时报对安排记者报道是这样说的:Scores of arriving journalists were escorted by bus to a downtown hotel, where they were offered a two-page summary that blamed Uighur separatists led by Ms. Kadeer for starting the riots. Officials gave photographers compact discs filled with bloody images, videos and television "screen grabs" from the riot. (记者们被巴士载到一个宾馆,他们收到2页的关于指责境外的分裂分子发起了这起暴乱。官员还给了光盘,里面有血腥的画面。)

纽约时报继续报道说:The government-prepared package recalled a similar set of images, distributed widely during the 2008 disturbances in Tibet, that stoked widespread anger among ordinary Chinese against the Tibetan protesters.(在2008年西藏事件后,官方也提供了类似的一些资料,这些资料引发了普通中国人反对藏人的示威)

纽约时报接着称:Journalists were invited Tuesday morning on a government-escorted tour of one of the Uighur neighborhoods hit hardest by the violence. But they were explicitly barred from conducting any interviews without government minders present, and television journalists who sought to wander on their own were reported to have been stopped by police or paramilitary officers who demanded that they turn over their film. (记者们在周二早晨被邀请参加政府组织的"浏览",观看一个受害最重的社区。但记者们显然被阻止独立的采访活动。)




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