Whether you are in college or a prospective student, not all majors earn you the same salary. Of course, you should never choose a major just for the money. If you don’t enjoy the work, then all that money will never equal the dissatisfaction you have for your job。
Luckily, there are many majors in numerous fields of studies to choose from that will pay high starting salaries to recent graduates. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), here are the 10 top paying degrees and their starting salaries (as of 2008):
1. Chemical Engineering ($59218)/化工(约40'5000人民币)
2. Electrical Engineering ($55333)/电子工程(约37'8000人民币)
3. Mechanical Engineering ($54057)/机械工程(约36'9000人民币)
4. Computer Science ($53051)/计算机科学(约36'2000人民币)
5. Civil Engineering ($48998)/土木工程(约33'5000人民币)
6. Economics ($47782)/经济学(约32'6000人民币)
7. Management Information Systems ($47407)/(约32'4000人民币)
8. Finance ($46442)/金融(约31'7000人民币)
9. Accounting ($46292)/会计(约31'6000人民币)
10. Business Administration/Management ($43256)/工商管理(约29'5000人民币)
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