2009年2月26日星期四的新闻发布会将就美国国务卿希拉里﹒克林顿(Hillary Clinton)放弃中国人权发出警报
华盛顿消息 - 前中国政治犯魏京生、吴弘达、傅希秋、热比娅及中国人权执行长谭竞嫦以及其他中国人权活动家们将参加美国众议院克里斯﹒斯密斯(Chris Smith (NJ-4th))、美国共和党会议主席麦克﹒潘斯(Mike Pence (IN-6th)),美国国会议员沃尔夫(Frank Wolf (VA-10th))及皮芝(Joe Pitts (PA-16th))这些人权领袖在星期四就美国国务卿希拉里﹒克林顿上周有争议的讲话举行的新闻发布会。克林顿国务卿在她的讲话中表示会在美中关系上将曾享有优先权的人权问题推后。
地点:坎农众议院大楼平台上(Cannon House Office Building Terrace (corner of Independence and New Jersey))
Press Conference in the US Congress:
Alarm Sets in Over Secretary Clinton's Abandonment of China Human Rights
News from the House of Representatives
Contact: Jeff Sagnip (609) 585-7878
Feb. 25, 2009
Press Conference Set for Thursday
Alarm Sets in Over Secretary Clinton's Abandonment of China Human Rights
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Former Chinese political prisoners Wei Jingsheng, Harry Wu, Bob Fu and Rebiya Kadeer, as well as Sharon Hom, executive director of Human Rights in China and other Chinese human rights activists, will join Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-4th), GOP Conference Chairman Mike Pence (IN-6th),Congressmen Frank Wolf (VA-10th) and Joe Pitts (PA-16th) leading human rights advocates in Congress, at a press conference Thursday regarding U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's controversial remarks over the past week indicating a retreat on the priority of human rights issues in U.S.-China relations.
Traveling in China last weekend, Clinton met with Chinese President Hu Jintao and other leaders, while failing to meet with dissidents during her stay. She was criticized by human rights groups for publically announcing that U.S. concerns about human rights abuses in China must not interfere with cooperation on financial crisis, global warming and other issues.
Who: Congressmen Chris Smith, Mike Pence, Frank Wolf, Joe Pitts
When: Thursday, Feb. 26 @ 11 a.m.
Where: Cannon House Office Building Terrace (corner of Independence and New Jersey)
"Unfortunately we saw some huge mistakes during the President Clinton's Administration... . Generally, people expected you to make a correction in this important historical mistake after you became Secretary of State and to re-emphasize the human right's issue in China. However, from what you said and did during your visit to China this time, it was not the case. Using the words of the Chinese government's internet agents, human rights diplomacy of the USA has come to its end."
-Wei Jingsheng, former Chinese political prisoner and Chair of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, in a Feb. 21, 2009 letter to Secretary Clinton.
(The above is a news release from the US House of Representatives.)
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