在2008 年2月7日零点之前,如中共未按命令全面开放中国大陆被封锁的国际互联网,本总统授权中国国内的军中正义之师,在没有任何时间限制的情况下,随时随地择机果断运用必要的政治强制力,以最小社会动荡、最小民族牺牲的方式,剥夺中共暴政控制中国命运的权力,解体中共,结束中共政权独裁统治。
解体中共和瓦解中共政权后,中国过渡政府将移师至中国大陆,负责筹组中国臨时政府,由特别委员会任命在解体中共和瓦解中共政权过程中享有显殊功勳的人士(包括军事将领) 出任中国臨时政府总统,筹组新内阁。至此,中国过渡政府使命完成,宣告解散。
中国过渡政府总统 伍凡
Presidential Order of the China Interim Government (Order No. 1)
The human race does not want to see the total collapse of Chinese society due to societal conflicts caused by the evil organizations of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Therefore, the CCP must first be disintegrated in order to prevent the total collapse of Chinese society. The first Presidential order is below:
I order that the CCP regime must open the Internet blockade in Mainland China starting on January 1, 2008. Before midnight on February 7, 2008 (the Chinese New Year's Day), all censored Internet websites must be completely opened in Mainland China. Opening the Internet blockade is to peacefully disintegrate the CCP.
I order that the CCP regime is not allowed to interfere with Mainland China's citizens freely and peacefully withdrawing from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
If by midnight on February 7, 2008, the CCP disobeys this order and does not completely open the censored Internet in China, the President gives power to the Justice Army Corps inside of China to use necessary political measures at any time and any places, without any time limit, but with minimum societal disturbance, and the least casualties, to take over the CCP totalitarian regime that is controlling China, disintegrate the CCP and end the CCP's dictatorship rule.
I am here to point out a bright path specifically for Hu Jintao, Wu Bangguo and Wen Jiabao.
China is facing the crisis of a complete collapse, without much time left for you. The only way for you to save yourself is to enlighten immediately, change from evil to good, and initiatively cooperate with the disintegration of the CCP dictatorship. You must immediately unblock the Internet censorship as a starting point, and return freedom of speech to people. You must stop the persecution to Falun Gong as a starting point, and stop the persecution of all people who pursuit spiritual freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, and freedom of religion.
After that, the China Interim Government will push for the peaceful disintegration of the CCP in China. If you can do the above two items, and cooperate fully until the CCP has been totally disintegrated, the China Interim Government promises, with approval by the special committee, to keep proper positions for you in the future China political domain.
After the CCP has been disintegrated, the China Interim Government will move to China, and take charge of establishing China's Temporary Government. The Special Committee will name who ever (including military leaders) contributes the most towards disintegrating the CCP's regime to be the President of the China Temporary Government, and to form the new cabinet. By then the mission of the China Interim Government will be fulfilled, and we will declare its dismissal.
This order is to be observed.
The China Interim Government President Wu Fan
January 1, 2008
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