我向您提出呼吁,请您关注贾甲先生在印度尼西亚的状况。贾甲先生系中国公民,于今年2 月进入印度尼西亚旅行。於3月9日突遭印尼警方拘留,并准备遣送贾甲先生返回中国。
《未来中国论坛》发言人 伍凡
Phone: 626-458-1020
Fax: 626-281-8108
e-Mail: [email protected]
To: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Honorable Mr. President
Out of my great concern, I am appealing you to pay attention to the situation of Mr. Jai Jai in Indonesia. Mr.Jai Jai is a Chinese citizen, he just traveled into Indonesia on Feb, 2006 and was suddenly detention by Indonesia’s police on March 9. It is said he will be repatriated back to China.
Mr. Jai Jai entered your esteemed country with legal visa and has not violated Indonesia’s law. Why does Indonesia restrict his freedom and repatriate him back to China against his will? If he is sent back, he was forced into the danger again under Chinese communist regime.
Indonesia is a freedom and democratic country that has ever been badly affected by communism. It is hard for us to understand the behavior of Indonesia police. And it will let the world think that Indonesia is moved by the pressure from Chinese communist regime and there will be a bad record of damaging basic human right. Meanwhile, because of the deep understanding of Chinese Communist Party, over 19 million people have quitted Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. So CCP itself is being decomposed. China will also get rid of CCP following as Indonesia.
As Jia Jia already denied CCP completely, he has applied the asylum of UNHCR and is protected by UNHCR. Hopefully, he will be well treated in Indonesia with necessary security measures.
I wish that Mr.Jai Jai can travel as an ordinary traveler coming and going as he wish with no personal restriction in Indonesia.
In December of 2005, I had visited Indonesia's three big cities, including Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya. To made speeches to analysis on topics of Chinese economic and political situations for Indonesia’s audient. I was accepted with warm welcome by your country's people. So far, it remains fresh in my memory. I want to express my gratitude again!
Best wishes for the happiness of Indonesia's People, and prosperity of your Country
I am sincerely yours.
The Spokesman for Future China Forum
Chris Wu
Phone: 626-458-1020
Fax: 626-281-8108
e-Mail: [email protected]
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