十年前,为了准备欧洲议会外事委员会的报告,我曾经访问过中国大陆和西藏。中国与欧洲之间的贸易增长固然令人欣慰,但其的民主却依然让我深感遗憾。我鼓励 “双边贸易依然,但同时政治方面也应依然。”贸易繁荣的同时,政治上的发展依然是坚冰一块。欧盟与中国的人权对话从那时起,仍然是如隔靴搔痒,毫无收获。
中共政权下被监禁者的悲惨处境早就被世人所知。但是直到近几个月来,中共对被关押的法轮功学员的残酷虐待这一暴行才被透露出来,即挑选合适的法轮功学员作为 ‘反向匹配’的器官和组织移植的“供体”,并导致他们死亡。这是典型的群体灭绝罪,正如《防止和惩处群体灭绝罪公约》第二条定义的:
和你一样,我是一名基督徒,在此教育的环境中长大。我在北京、香港和台湾接触过法轮功学员,并随之在6月1日参观了一个在赫尔辛基的描述法轮功学员在中国遭遇的画展, 从而看出法轮功并不是政治运动。如果一定要定义的话,法轮功是一种发源于佛家的修炼,我曾碰到的每一个信仰者通过一套类似太极的炼习而感到身心受益。
自从1999年法轮功被中共政权打压后,包括建立用于镇压的专门的6.10 办公室,法轮功一直在持续揭露被迫害的事实和中共的罪行。结果有声称1000万的中国人退出了中共及其相关组织。
2006年6月4日 @
OPEN LETTER to Gao Zhisheng, Chinese Human Rights advocate, June 4 2006
VICE-PRESIDENT of European Parliament
Thank you for your remarks* after my visit to Beijing on May 20 – 24 2006 when I interviewed two Falun Gong former prisoners, after which they disappeared. Because of this I did not meet you. I am now told I was the first politician to hold such a meeting: if so I urge many others to do the same.
Mr Niu Jinping and his baby daughter are under house arrest and Mr Cao Dong has still been missing, I am pursuing their safety with the regime. Mr Steve Gigliotti, the US citizen who organised my meeting, was arrested, interrogated and deported. Such actions have no place in today’s world.
I last visited China and Tibet ten years ago while preparing a report for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. Welcoming China’s booming trade with Europe, but also regretting its complete lack of democracy, I encouraged “not just business as usual, but also politics as usual”. While the trade has flourished, political development has remained glacial and the European Union’s human rights dialogue with China, begun then, continues to be largely fruitless.
My recent visit as rapporteur for the European Parliament on the EU’s new Democracy and Human Rights Instrument, to run from 2007, was to examine how it could operate in China. I met EU diplomats, academics, NGOs and individuals.
My conclusions are that the Chinese regime remains brutal, arbitrary and paranoid but that the innate intelligence and self-discipline of the Chinese, led by a developing civil society and emerging rule of law must lead to a democratic future.
The condition of prisoners in China is increasingly well-known but it is only in recent months that a particular mistreatment - of Falun Gong practitioners - has come to light, namely the selection of prisoners for ‘reverse-match’ organ and tissue transplants, leading to their deaths. This is genocide, as defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:
"any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;”
Like you, I am a Christian, by upbringing. My contacts with Falun Gong practitioners during my visit to Beijing, Hong Kong and Taiwan and subsequently (I visited on June 1 an exhibition in Helsinki of paintings depicting the treatment of Falun Gong prisoners in China) do not suggest a political movement. It is, if anything, a spiritual practice of Buddha school origin in which every adherent I have met feels mentally and physically enhanced by a series of Tai-chi type daily exercises.
The practitioners I met in Beijing told me of their imprisonment and that of their wives, of the specially harsh treatment they suffered, including sleep deprivation, degrading and humiliating punishments and beatings of up to 20 hours at a time to elicit denunciations of Falun Gong. One said he knew 30 fellow practitioners who had been beaten to death. They were aware of organ harvesting: one had seen the cadaver of his friend and fellow practitioner after body parts had been removed.
Since the crackdown on Falun Gong was begun by the Communist Party of China (CCP) regime in 1999, including the establishment of a special “6-10” office of repression, Falun Gong has responded by using factual disclosure of persecution and other crimes by the regime. As a result it claims that more than 10 million Chinese have resigned the CCP and its affiliations.
As a British Conservative I have witnessed with relief – and played some part in encouraging – the freedom from communism now enjoyed by millions of Europeans. I urge all members of the CCP to recognise that the horrors perpetrated in its name – the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen Massacres – are held to be responsible for some 80 million deaths.
It is now a matter of probably brief time before the regime collapses. The massive economic contradictions, manifest administrative corruption, widespread dissent in the countryside, increasing courage of religious groups and the ability of young people to circumvent Internet restrictions are all precursors to change.
The Chinese people have friends wherever thought, religion and association are free. The regime has no friends and, while I despise it, I hope that the change is as peaceful as the process which ended one-party domination in Europe.
In the meantime, like other politicians across the free world, I warn those responsible of the consequences of genocide.
On this anniversary of the massacres in Tiananmen Square and elsewhere in 1989, I urge my colleagues in the European Parliament and in freely-elected assemblies across the world to monitor systematically the abuses which you have so courageously brought to public attention. I also urge all embassies of the EU in China to provide support – and when necessary sanctuary - to human rights defenders like yourself. The future will be the judge of us all.
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