李柏光于2004年12月14日在上海以南350公里的滨海城市福安市被捕。12月21日,据说福安市国家安全局警察搜查了他在北京的家,没收了电脑和文件。李博士的被捕原因还不清楚,但据认为与他支持农民的维权活动有关。福安是一个远离大城市的边远城市,据认为这导致了李博士被捕的报道延迟。 36岁的李博士毕业于哲学、政治学和法律专业,是北京启民研究中心主任,同时也是自由撰稿人和记者。早在2004年,他撰写了一篇题目为《公民,能罢免市长吗?》的文章,发表在《现代文明画报》第12期上,报道农民呼吁罢免他们指控的腐败市长。据认为,这篇文章以及随后李博士支持农民的维权活动是导致他 12月被捕的背景。2004年10月,李博士在互联网上发表了一篇文章,提到有人威胁他,如果他回到福安就会遭到拘捕。当时,他正帮助那里的农民为有争议的土地向中央政府请愿。
杨天水于2004年12月24日在上海以南100公里的杭州被捕。2004年12月31日,南京市公安局白下分局签发了拘留证,指控他涉嫌“煽动颠覆国家政权”。杨天水已被押送到杭州以北200公里的南京。43岁的杨天水是一个自由作家,曾因“反革命罪”于1990年至2000年被判10年徒刑。随后在被剥夺政治权利四年期间,他曾被指违反条例两次遭到拘捕。最近的一次拘捕是因为他撰写纪念天安门民主运动15周年的文章,从2004年5月27日到 6月11日被拘留了15天。杨天水是独立中文作家笔会会员。
最近几个月来,作家、知识分子和其它异议人士连续遭到拘捕和骚扰。BBC广播电台引用了一位“著名知识分子”的文章说,“知识分子现在正受到恐吓”,并担忧“极权主义重返大陆”。这篇文章还说,媒体已被命令不得发表几位著名知识分子的作品。(http: //news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/4094075.stm)
若需进一步的信息,请联络国际笔会狱中作家委员会的Cathy McCann: 9/10 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AT, U.K. Tel: +44 (0)207 253 3226, fax: +44 (0)207 253 5711, email: [email protected]
4 January 2005
RAN 55/04 Update #1
People's Republic of China: Arrests of writers raises fears of crackdown against dissident intellectuals
Two more writers are reported to have been arrested in China in recent days as part of an apparent crackdown against dissent in China. Writers academic Dr Li Boguang and Yang Tianshui are reported to remain detained after having been arrested on 14 December and 24 December 2004 respectively. International PEN is calling on the Chinese authorities to halt this apparent crackdown on dissent, and to adhere to the principle of freedom of expression, as guaranteed under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
Dr Li Boguang was arrested in Fu-an City, 350km south of Shanghai, near the coast on 14 December 2004, and on 21 December his home in Beijing, the capital of China, is said to have been searched by police officers from the Fu-an Public Security Bureau. Computers and papers were seized. It is not clear as to the reasons for Dr Li's arrest, but it is thought that it may be related to his activities in support of farmers' rights. The fact that Fu'an is far from the major cities is thought to be the reason for delays in reporting on Dr Li's arrest. Dr Li, age 36, a graduate in philosophy, political science and law, is director of the Qimin Research Centre in Beijing, as well as a freelance writer/journalist. In early 2004 he wrote an article entitled "Can Citizens Dismiss a Mayor" published in Modern Civilisation Pictorial, No 12 on calls by farmers for the resignation of a mayor they accused of corruption. This article, and Dr Li's subsequent activities in support of the farmers' case, is thought to be behind his arrest in December. In October 2004, Dr Li posted an article on the internet in which he said that he had been threatened with arrest should he return to Fu'an where he was helping farmers to petition against the central government in a dispute over land.
Yang Tianshui was arrested on 24 December 2004 in Hangzhou, some 100km south of Shanghai. On 31 December 2004, an arrest warrant was issued by the Baixia Branch of the Public Security Bureau, Nanjing City, stating that Yang had been transferred to Nanjing, 200km north of Hangzhou, on charges of "inciting subversion of state power". Yang, aged 43, is a freelance writer who reportedly served ten years in prison from 1990-2000 on charges of "counter revolution". He is said to have remained under an order of deprivation of civil rights for a further four years, during which time he reportedly was detained twice for violation of the conditions of the order. Most recent was a 15-day imprisonment from 27 May to 11 June 2004 for his writings commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement. Yang is a member of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre.
Recent months have seen a steady stream of writers, intellectuals and other dissidents being arrested and harassed. The BBC World Service cites an article by a "well known intellectual" as saying that "intellectuals were now terrified" and that that there were fears of "a return of totalitarianism to the mainland". It adds that the press has been ordered not to give publicity to several well-known intellectuals. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/4094075.stm
See previous Rapid Action alert dated 15 December 2004 for details of arrests of other writers.
Recommended Action
Please send appeals:
· Expressing concern at the reported detention of Dr Li Boguang in Fu'an, and Yang Tianshui in Nanjing apparently because of the practice of their right to freedom of expression;
· Referring to growing concerns of a growing intolerance of dissident opinions, and a corresponding increased pattern of arrests and harassment of writers and intellectuals;
· Urging that the Chinese authorities halt this apparent crackdown on dissent, and to adhere to the principle of freedom of expression, as guaranteed under Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which China is a signatory.
Appeals to:
His Excellency Hu Jintao
President of the People's Republic of China
State Council
Beijing 100032
His Excellency Zhang Fusen
Minister of Justice
10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie
Beijing-shi 100020
Please note that fax numbers are no longer available for the Chinese authorities, so you may wish to ask the diplomatic representative for China in your country to forward your appeals.
Please copy appeals to the diplomatic representative for China in your country if possible.
For further information please contact Sara Whyatt at the Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN, 9/10 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7AT, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0) 207 253 3226 Fax: +44 (0) 207 253 5711 email: [email protected]
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