這不是異議人士唐柏橋先生的帳戶遭推特第一次凍結, 在2019年5月30日,也即天安門64大屠殺30週年紀念日前夕,推特也凍結了唐柏橋先生和許多其他中國異議人士的推特帳戶。唐先生的帳戶(@Baiqiaoch)擁有10多萬跟隨者,發布了數萬條推文,還有大量的內部組群交流私信。唐柏橋先生反覆申述無果,而其他絕大多數同時被凍結的異議人士的帳戶先後被解封。此次推特在美國總統大選之前再次凍結唐柏橋先生的賬號(@tangbaiqiao),應該與唐柏橋先生近期高調支持川普連任美國總統有關。
同時遭到凍結的川普中文同步推(@Trump_Chinese)由唐柏橋先生所創立的民主救國陣線於2018年9月所開通,該推特帳戶將美國總統川普推特帳戶(@realDonaldTrump) 的英文推文及時翻譯成中文,力求給中文推特用戶帶來最及時和準確的川普推特帳戶特動態,截至2020年10月27日被推特凍結帳戶為止,已經擁有跟隨者25萬餘人,並且其推文曾被多個自媒體或者媒體在其節目中所引用,有著極大的影響力。英國廣播公司(BBC)和香港南華早報曾經專訪川普中文同步推特帳戶管理者並且進行了中英文報導。
如果需要更多關於此事件的信息,或者採訪此次事件所涉及的異議人士唐柏橋先生,可以打電話至:7188407166, 或者發電郵至: [email protected]
The Twitter accounts of the famous dissident Tang Baiqiao (@tangbaiqiao) and Trump’s Chinese Synchronous Tweets (@Trump_Chinese) were simultaneously suspended by Twitter for no reason
At about 11 pm on October 27, 2020, U.S. Eastern Time, the famous dissident Mr. Tang Baiqiao suddenly discovered that his Twitter account (@tangbaiqiao) had been suspended by Twitter for no reason. All account followings and followers were zeroed out. At the same time, the Twitter account, Trump’s Chinese Synchronous Tweets (@Trump_Chinese), managed by the Democratic Salvation Front, an organization founded by Tang Baiqiao, was also suspended for no reason.
This is not the first time that the account of dissident Mr. Tang Baiqiao has been suspended by Twitter. On May 30, 2019, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, Twitter also suspended Mr. Tang Baiqiao’s and many other Chinese dissidents’ Twitter accounts. Mr. Tang's account (@Baiqiaoch) had more than 100,000 followers, published tens of thousands of tweets, and sent numerous private messages in the internal chatting groups. Mr. Tang complained repeatedly to Twitter without success, but the accounts of most other dissidents’ who were suspended at the same time were unsuspended in succession. The re-suspension of Mr. Tang Baiqiao’s newly-opened twitter account (@tangbaiqiao) before the US presidential election by Twitter should be related to Mr. Tang’s recent high-profile support for Trump’s re-election as President of the United States.
Simultaneously suspended account of Trump’s Chinese Synchronous Tweets (@Trump_Chinese) was launched in September 2018 by the Democratic Salvation Front founded by Mr. Tang Baiqiao. The Twitter account synchronously translated the tweets published by US President Trump’s Twitter account (@realDonaldTrump) in Chinese. It strives to bring the most timely and accurate update of Trump’s account to Chinese Twitter users. As of October 27, 2020, before the account was suspended by Twitter, it has more than 250,000 followers, and tweets published by this account have been numerously quoted by many self-media and media in their programs, demonstrating its tremendous influence among audiences. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Hong Kong South China Morning Post once interviewed the account managers of Trump’s Chinese Synchronous Tweets and reported in both English and Chinese.
Mr. Tang Baiqiao and the Democratic Salvation Front strongly condemned Twitter’s act of killing freedom of speech and reserve the right to pursue relevant legal responsibilities further.
If you need more information about this matter, or interview Mr.Tang Baiqiao, you can call: 7188407166, or send an email to: [email protected]
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