The Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA are racing to build temporary hospitals — which are now completed, by the way, in record time — four hospitals, four medical centers. And in speaking with the governor this morning, we’re giving them an additional four large tents, which they need very badly. And the emergency medical stations in New York are top of the line. You have them in not only New York, but in California and Illinois. We’ll be adding some to other states also.
I’ve empowered our nation’s governors with the resources to call up the National Guard and authorized the activation of Ready Reserves. Two big words: Ready Reserves. FEMA has shipped or delivered 11.6 million N95 respirators, 26 million surgical masks, 5.2 million face shields — and a lot are being made of all of the things I just named right now; we have millions and millions of new medical items being made as we speak, and purchased — 4.3 million surgical gowns, 22 million gloves, and 8,100 ventilators.
我已授權美國各州有資源的州長召集國民警衛隊,啟動現成的預備役部隊。兩個大字:準備就緒的預備役部隊(Ready Reserves)。聯邦緊急事務管理局已經運送或交付了1,160萬個N95口罩,2,600萬個外科口罩,520萬個口罩,其中很多東西我現在剛剛提到的東西都制成了;在我們發言時,我們有成千上萬種新的醫療產品正在生產,並購買了430萬件手術服,2200萬副手套和8100臺呼吸機。
We have moved rapidly to mobilize every instrument of American power. This week, I invoked the Defense Production Act to compel General Motors to carry out federal contracts for ventilators. And I think they’re going to do a great job; I have to say that.
We’re also working with the major ventilator companies in the United States — all big name companies, all companies that do ventilators, so they won’t need extra time, and they’re gearing up and they’ll be working 24 hours around the clock, and they have been; they’ve been doing a fantastic job — to accomplish a historic ramp-up, and a ramp-up in the kind of numbers that we’re talking about.
And if we make too many, that’s going to be okay, because I spoke with the Prime Minister of the UK yesterday, Boris Johnson. He tested, as you know, positive. And before I even was able to get a word out of him, he said — I said, “How are you doing?” He said, “We need ventilators.” The UK needs ventilators. A lot of countries need ventilators badly. It’s a tough thing to make. It’s a very complicated and expensive piece of equipment. I would say more so than a car. You’re talking about expensive, complicated equipment. So I hope we, soon, will have enough that we can help other countries with ventilators. A lot of countries need them.
如果我們生產太多,那沒關系,因為我昨天與英國首相鮑裏斯•約翰遜(Boris Johnson)進行了交談。如你們所知,他測試結果為陽性。在我甚至還沒聽清他的話之前,他說-我說,“你好嗎?”他說:“我們需要呼吸機。”英國需要呼吸機。許多國家急需呼吸機。這很難做。這是一件非常復雜且昂貴的設備。我要說的比汽車還復雜和昂貴。你是在談論昂貴,復雜的設備。因此,我希望我們很快就能有足夠的力量為其它國家提供呼吸機幫助。許多國家都需要它們。
In the next 100 days, America will make or acquire three times more ventilators than we do in an entire year. We are so geared up. At Boeing, Ford, Honeywell, 3M, Hanes, and other great American companies, factory floors and manufacturing lines are being converted to produce the respirators, protective masks, face shields, and other vital equipment. And those companies have been amazing. And Boeing is giving us their cargo-moving planes. They’re the biggest cargo movers anywhere in the world, and we’re going to be using them to ship certain types of equipment to various states.
Hundreds of millions of Americans are also making tremendous sacrifices on the home front. In a historic drive to support our great workers and businesses, I signed into law the single-largest economic relief package in American history. You saw that yesterday.
The $2.2 trillion — and think of that: $2.2 trillion, but it goes to $6.2 trillion, depending on what we decide. This legislation delivers job retention loans for small businesses to help them keep workers on payroll, expanded unemployment benefits, and direct cash payments to American citizens. And these are very substantial payments. A family of four will be getting approximately $3,400.
This legislation also provides massive increases in funding for hospitals who need it, for Disaster Relief Fund, and critical life-saving medical supplies. We’re spending a tremendous amount of money on medical supplies. We’re trying to get it to the point needed directly, as opposed to our supply lines, so it can go directly to where they need it without having to go through a long process. I don’t want to say “bureaucratic,” but we have not — this group of people has worked so incredibly hard, and the energy and the speed with which they’re delivering everything has been really admired by everybody. Everybody is talking about it — the job they’re doing.
My administration has also taken action to dispend [sic] — and suspend federal student loan payments. So we’re suspending — and that means suspending, in every sense of the word — student loan payments so that the students that are not able to take advantage of what’s going on, obviously — for obvious reasons — they will be — the payment suspended.
We’ve temporarily stopped federal evictions and foreclosures. We’ve postponed Tax Day until July, which is a big thing; first time that’s happened. And waived regulations to speed new treatments to the market. And we have new treatments coming on rapidly. We’re doing very well, we think, with the vaccines, and we’re doing very, very well with, hopefully, or potentially, cures. We’re looking at a lot of different alternatives, a lot of different medicines. That would be game changer.
The battle in which we’re now engaged has inflicted many hardships on our nation and our families — tremendous hardship on some families — and much death. Much death. But through it all, the world has witnessed the unyielding resolve of our incredible American people. We are not only a country of vast resources; we’re a nation of colossal strength, towering spirit, soaring patriotism, and exceptional character. And you’re showing it to the entire world.
At this moment, there are 151 countries throughout the world that are under attack by this horrible, invisible enemy. One hundred and fifty-one countries. And we’re in touch with a lot of them. Our professionals are the best in the world. But who would ever think 151 countries are under attack?
We are one family, bound together by love and loyalty — the eternal traits so perfectly embodied by the extraordinary men and women aboard this ship, and the men and women at this beautiful, scenic, but really tough base. This base is something. Thank you very much. This base is something very, very special.
With the courage of our doctors and nurses, with the skill of our scientists and innovators, with the determination of the American people, and with the grace of God, we will win this war and we will win this war quickly with as little death as possible.
And when we achieve our victory — this victory, your victory — we will emerge stronger and more united than ever before. We are going to be at a level of preparedness in case something like this should ever happen again — and, God willing, it won’t. But we are prepared. What we’ve done in building systems, we’re now the number one tester anywhere in the world, by far. We’re testing more in one day than other countries are testing in weeks, in months.
We’ve learned a lot. And I cannot be more thankful to the American people. And I can say this, and I can say this from the bottom of my heart: I am very proud to be your President.
Thank you very much, and God bless you all. Thank you. Thank you very much. (Applause.)
非常感謝你們,上帝保佑大家。謝謝。非常感謝你們。 (掌聲)
2:08 P.M. EDT
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