美國職籃NBA洛杉磯湖人總經理佩林發文悼念Kobe,「他是我們這個時代最鼓舞人心的運動員。」(圖片來源:Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
41歲的湖人前看板球星布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)、和他13歲的女兒吉安娜·布萊恩(Gianna Bryant),26日在直升機墜機意外身亡,機上還有1名教練、2名選手和家屬共7人,他們在前往一場青少年籃球賽途中,不幸遭遇墜機意外,機上9人全部罹難。(相關閱讀:柯比驟逝撼動全球 眾球星默哀 川普發文悼念)
佩林卡(Rob Pelinka)在聲明中說:「週日我失去最好的朋友和甜美的教女,我的靈魂一部分像被切除。」
「布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)有強大的意志力和深度,致力追求卓越。他充滿智慧、決心和熱情,擁有超凡的遠見。他是一名盡心盡力且深情的丈夫,也是獨一無二的『疼女兒爸爸』(girl-dad)。」
布萊恩與佩林卡的緣分頗深,布萊恩高中畢業後被經紀人泰倫(Arn Tellem)簽下時,當時的佩林卡正替泰倫工作。隨後佩林卡自立門戶,布萊恩也簽入他門下。當布萊恩打完2016年賽季退休後,佩林卡轉任湖人總經理,隨後又身兼湖人「籃球營運副總裁」。(相關閱讀:回憶初見布萊恩 脫口秀笑匠小故事催淚百萬人)
湖人老闆巴斯(Jeanie Buss)31日也在布萊恩驟逝後首度發表聲明,向這位球員和父親致敬。
Kobe, I don’t know how to express what you mean to me, my family and the Los Angeles Lakers. My father loved you like a son, which makes us family. When you invited me to lunch shortly after my father passed away, I was struggling to find motivation and purpose. Kobe, you brought Gianna with you to spend some time with me. You explained that you wanted to show her that women can be leaders in the NBA, just like the men. At first, it seemed like an action of a devoted father setting an example for his daughter. But in actuality – and I am positively sure you knew EXACTLY what you were doing – what you did was give me the inspiration and strength I was searching for. I reflect on that day often and it makes me smile and it makes me strong. I call on that memory whenever I feel down and need a bit of courage. For everything you did on the court that filled me with so much joy and love, for all the lives you changed through basketball itself, it was that day with Gigi that reignited my drive and determination. Vanessa, Natalia, Bianka, and Capri - I am so sorry for your loss. We are grateful to have you in our lives and we will always be here for you. To the families that also lost loved ones on Sunday, the entire Laker family mourns with you. Laker Nation - we are one family grieving the loss of people we all loved dearly. We will mourn together, cry together but we will also heal together, love together and win TOGETHER. We love you. Kobe - that’s what you made you so unbelievably special. You not only inspired us towards greatness, you showed us the way. : : To learn more about how you can help the families affected by this tragedy go to MambaOnThree.org and to further Kobe and Gianna’s legacy in youth sports visit MambaSportsFoundation.org #peace #love #joy #family #Mamba #Mambacita #2 #8 #24 : : Picture taken in February 2016 on the way to #NBAAllStar game in #Toronto photo credit @pinkskennedy
Jeanie Buss(@jeaniebuss)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 30 日 上午 9:05 張貼
座位披8號或24號球衣 湖人比賽中悼布萊恩

布萊恩生前20年的NBA生涯全都在湖人度過,曾用過的兩個背號,分別是8號及24號球衣。圖為:洛杉磯湖人隊後衛科比·布萊恩 Kobe Bryant和芝加哥公牛隊後衛邁克爾·喬丹Michael Jordan在12月17日第四季度在芝加哥聯合中心的一次罰球嘗試中進行了交談。(圖片來源:Getty Images / VINCENT LAFORET / AFP)
布萊恩生前20年的NBA生涯全都在湖人度過,曾幫球隊奪得5座NBA總冠軍,18度入選明星賽,生涯總得分為NBA史上第4高,他的驟逝讓湖人悲痛不已,並因此取消前一場對上同城球隊快艇的比賽,直到今天才在主場迎戰拓荒者,這是湖人在布萊恩過世後首度出賽。(相關閱讀:Kobe墜機遺體尋獲 時代雜誌黑白紀念封面致敬)

美國職籃NBA洛杉磯湖人傳奇球星布萊恩(Kobe Bryant )26日不幸墜機過世,大批球迷聚集在湖人主場史泰博中心(Staples Center)外廣場,有人高舉布萊恩的照片懷念這位傳奇球星。(圖片來源:中央社/王騰毅洛杉磯攝)
即便如此,大批球迷仍在球場附近聚集,高呼布萊恩的名字。(相關閱讀:NBA「小飛俠」柯比墜機身亡 「詹皇」忍不住痛哭)