以下是川普講話全文翻譯(全文翻譯 一)。
Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure
Issued on: October 4, 2019
South Lawn
10:43 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: So, the unemployment numbers just came out, and they’re the best numbers we’ve had in over 50 years. The unemployment number is down to 3.5 percent. So that goes way, way back. We haven’t had numbers like this in a long time. Wages are up by almost 3 percent. That’s a fantastic increase for everybody out there working. We’re very happy about those numbers. The stock market is substantially up, as it was yesterday. And our country does well. Europe is not doing well. Asia is doing poorly, to put it mildly. And we continue to do very well; we’re the miracle.
But the unemployment numbers just came out: 3.5 percent unemployment. And that is a tremendous number; the lowest in over 50 years. So, very happy.
And, I think, really, very important — again, I’ll say: Wages are up. When I was running, wages were nowhere. They were going down. And people were having two and three jobs, and they were making less money than they made 20 years before. Now wages are up. So we’re very happy about that.
而且,我認為,真的非常重要 - 再說一遍:工資上漲了。在我競選時,工資停滯不前,在下降。人們有兩三份工作,他們的收入比20年前少。現在工資上漲了。因此,我們對此感到非常高興。
One other thing, having to do with Poland. So, Poland is a country; great people. We have a lot of Polish Americans living in the United States. I’ve just signed — I will soon be signing — and sign certain preliminary applications. We will be giving a full visa waiver to Poland. That means that people from Poland can easily travel there, and people from here can easily go back and forth. They can each — people from the U.S., people from Poland, can very easily go back and forth between the United States and Poland.
另一件事,與波蘭有關。波蘭是一個有偉大人民的國家。我們有很多居住在美國的波蘭裔美國人。我剛剛簽署 - 我將很快簽署某些初步申請。我們將給予波蘭完整的簽證豁免。這意味著來自波蘭的人們可以輕鬆地去那裏旅行,而來自這裡的人可以輕鬆地來回旅行。他們每個人 - 來自美國的人,來自波蘭的人,都可以很容易地在美國和波蘭之間來回往返。
So, they’ve been trying to get this for many, many decades. And I got it for the Polish people, in honor of the Polish people in the United States and in Poland. So, we’re very happy with that.
Q Did you see Adam Schiff got four Pinocchios by the Post, this morning, for lying?
問:您看到亞當·希夫(Adam Schiff)因為說謊今天早上收到《華郵》的四個說謊高鼻子小人(獎勵)了嗎?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I heard Adam Schiff got four Pinocchios. That’s good. He should have gotten them two and a half years ago.
總統:是這樣,我聽說亞當·希夫(Adam Schiff)得到了四個說謊高鼻子小人。那很好。他應該在兩年半前就得到它們。
That’s a very nice question. Let me shake your hand. Come here. That’s a very nice question. That’s almost a surprise. I figured that was a trick question, right?
Q Also, what does your letter to Pelosi say? And when will you send it?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’ll be issuing a letter. As everybody knows, we’ve been treated very unfairly, very different from anybody else. If you go over not only history — I mean, if you go over any aspect of life, you’ll see how unfairly we’ve been treated. We’ve done a fantastic job.
好吧,我們將發出一封信。眾所周知,我們受到了非常不公平的對待,與其他人截然不同。如果您不僅回顧歷史 - 我的意思是,如果您回顧生活的任何方面,您都會看到我們受到的待遇有多麼不公平。我們做得很棒。
Everything, to me, is about corruption. We want to find out what happened with 2016. And, as you know, there’s a lot of work going on, on that. I don’t care about Biden’s campaign, but I do care about corruption. His campaign — that’s up to him. Politics — that’s up to them. I don’t care about politics. Politics, as I think I’ve made clear — and yesterday, somebody asked me a question, and I gave an answer — but always in the form of corruption.
對我而言,一切都與腐敗有關。我們想弄清楚2016年發生了什麼。而且,正如您所知,在這方面正在進行很多工作。我不在乎拜登的競選活動,但在乎腐敗。他的競選活動 - 由他決定。政治 - 這取決於他們。我不在乎政治。正如我認為我已經指明那樣 - 昨天有人問我一個問題,我給出了答案:政治總是以腐敗的形式出現。
What I want to do — and I think I have an obligation to do it, probably a duty to do it: corruption — we are looking for corruption. When you look at what Biden and his son did, and when you look at other people — what they’ve done. And I believe there was tremendous corruption with Biden, but I think there was beyond — I mean, beyond corruption — having to do with the 2016 campaign, and what these lowlifes did to so many people, to hurt so many people in the Trump campaign — which was successful, despite all of the fighting us. I mean, despite all of the unfairness.
我想做的事情 - 我認為我有責任去做,也許有職責去做:腐敗 - 我們正在查找腐敗。當你查看拜登和兒子的所作所為,以及其他人時,他們所做的正是我們在查找的。我相信拜登(Biden)存在著嚴重的腐敗。但我認為,這與2016年競選活動有關,我的意思是,除腐敗之外,還有這些卑鄙行為對這麼多人造成了傷害,傷害了川普競選活動中的這麼多人。我們很成功儘管有這些對我們的攻擊。我的意思是,儘管處在不公之中。
So, we are looking at corruption. We’re not looking at politics. We’re looking at corruption.
Q Sir, what did you say to the Chinese about the Bidens, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know. Somebody said that a long time ago. Was that in 2017? I don’t know. You’d have to tell me when. All I can tell you is this: When I speak to foreign leaders, I speak in an appropriate way. If you notice, they don’t mention the call that I had with the President of Ukraine. They don’t mention that because it was so good.
The only time they mentioned it was when Adam Schiff made it up. You talk about Pinocchios — that should get 10 Pinocchios. He made up — he made up a story. It was a phony story. Adam Schiff. So, they don’t talk about that anymore.
他們唯一提到的時間是當亞當·希夫(Adam Schiff)編造這個事情的時候。您談到說謊的高鼻子小人皮諾曹,他應該可以得到10個皮諾曹。他編造了一個故事。亞當·希夫編的是一個虛假的故事。所以,他們不再談論這個了。
You know, when this came out, it was “quid pro quo.” Well, there was none. Also, yesterday, the Ambassador — who I heard was tremendous and a tremendous person — he was 100 percent for what we’re saying. A hundred percent. And, if you look, he also said there was no quid pro quo. That’s the whole ballgame.
But now the Democrats don’t bring that up anymore because they lost. Look, they never thought I was going to release the phone call between the Ukrainian President and myself. When I released that call, they were — they were jumping around like you wouldn’t believe. They didn’t know how to respond. And then they found out — and then they found out that the call itself was so bad for them. It was a perfect call. There was nothing — we hand that call out. We’ve handed the call out to people, and they’d say, “Wow, this is incredible.” We’re very proud of that call. When I speak to a foreign leader, I speak in an appropriate manner.
但是現在,民主黨人不再提那個編造的故事了,因為他們輸了。看,他們從沒想到過我會公布烏克蘭總統和我的電話。當我公布那個電話時,他們驚慌失措地跳腳。他們不知道該如何回應。然後他們發現了 - 他們發現那個電話本身對他們來說太糟糕了。這是一個完美的電話。沒有任何東西 - 我們將其公布了。我們已經將電話分公布給人們,他們會說:“哇,這太不可思議了。” 我們為這個電話感到非常自豪。當我對外國領導人講話時,我會以適當的方式講話。
Now, we’re also doing trade deals with China and we’re doing deals with a lot of people for the country, so I’m not looking to insult people. I can tell you that. But we can probably find that out.
Q Would you be more willing to do a trade deal with the Chinese if they investigate Biden?
THE PRESIDENT: No, it has nothing to do with it. No. No. I want to do a trade deal with China, but only if it’s good for our country. And it could happen. Because you know they’re very much — they’re very much coming over next week, as I understand it. So I’d like to do a great deal with China, but only if it’s a great trade deal for this country. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
總統:不,這與它無關, 絕對無關。我想與中國達成貿易協議,但前提是對我國有利。貿易協議有可能發生。因為你知道他們非常 - 據我所知,非常可能下週將會來。因此,我想同中國做一個很好的協議,但前提是這對這個國家來說是一個很好的交易。這件事與那件事無關。
Q Do you want the House to proceed with an impeachment inquiry at this point? An official impeachment inquiry.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I wouldn’t mind because we have no rights. They way they’re doing it, they’ve taken away our rights. So, if they proceed — and, you know, they’ll just get their people. They’re all in line. Because even though many of them don’t want to vote, they have no choice. They have to follow their leadership. And then we’ll get it to the Senate, and we’re going to win.
總統:是這樣,我不介意,因為我們沒有權力(過問)。他們以自己的方式行事,剝奪了我們的權力。因此,如果他們繼續推進 - 你知道,他們會得到他們的人的幫助。他們都在排隊。因為即使其中許多人不想投票,他們也別無選擇。他們必須跟隨自己的領導。然後,我們將其提交給參議院,我們將獲勝。
The Republicans have been very unified. This is the greatest witch hunt in the history of our country. So we beat the one that started immediately. We went through two years of Mueller, and that came out like a 10. It came out perfect. And a few days go by and they start this nonsense. And this is just as ridiculous.
So the Democrats, unfortunately, they have the votes. They can vote very easily, even though most of them, many of them, don’t believe they should do it. And I do believe — I do believe that because of what they’re doing with Pelosi and their real leaders, AOC plus 3 — that’s their real leaders — I really believe that they’re going to pay a tremendous price at the polls.
不幸的是,(眾議院)民主黨人擁有選票。他們可以很輕鬆地投票,即使其中大多數人(其中許多人)都不相信他們應該這樣做。而且,我確實相信 - 我確實相信,由於他們與佩洛西(Pelosi)及其真正的領導者AOC加3一起工作 - AOC加3就是他們真正的領導者 - 我真的相信他們將在民意調查中付出慘重的代價。
And we saw the first glimpse of it two weeks ago, in a great state, North Carolina. We saw a great, great glimpse of what’s going to happen. Because, in North Carolina, we had two races. One gentleman, Dan Bishop, was down by 17 points with three weeks to go, and he won easily. And the other man, as you know, Greg Murphy, was up by a very little bit and he won by a massive amount — I don’t know, someplace in the twenties. Twenty percent or something. Maybe higher.
我們在兩個星期前在北卡羅來納州,一個大州,看到了第一眼。我們看到了即將發生的一切。因為在北卡羅來納州,我們進行了兩場競選。一位紳士丹·畢曉普(Dan Bishop)在還剩三週時還落後17個百分點,他輕鬆獲勝。正如你所知,另一個人格雷格·墨菲(Greg Murphy)上升微乎其微,但他大贏 - 我不知道,大概贏了20多個百分點左右。百分之二十左右。也許更高。
So I think you got your first glimpse of what’s going to happen. And the big key is that I have to campaign there. But if you look at what happened in North Carolina — two races — we won both of them, and we won them easily. And one was almost tied and the other one was a big, big lead, and that one turned and the tie became a landslide.
因此,我認為您對即將發生的事情已有了第一印象。最大的關鍵是我必須在那裏競選。但是,如果你看一下北卡羅來納州發生的事情 - 兩場競選 - 我們贏了他們兩場競選,而且我們輕鬆獲得了勝利。一場原來幾乎是打平,另一場原來被領先很多。結果被領先很多的那場反敗為勝,幾乎打平的那場大勝。
請勿錯過:【川普】有權尋求外國協助調查腐敗(全文翻譯 二) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/10/05/909492.html
請勿錯過:【川普】在世界舞台上 要面对中国(全文翻译 三) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/10/06/909543.html
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