Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding an Executive Order “Blocking Property of the Government of Venezuela”
Issued on: August 6, 2019
Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order “Blocking Property of the Government of Venezuela.” This Executive Order blocks all property and interests in property of the Government of Venezuela that are within the jurisdiction of the United States. It also authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to impose sanctions on persons who provide support to Nicolas Maduro and his illegitimate regime. Additionally, this action will restrict the entry into the United States of sanctioned persons. This Executive Order directly targets those who undermine either the democratically elected National Assembly of Venezuela or Interim President Juan Guaido.
The United States denounces the Maduro dictatorship for its continued gross abuses of human rights and repression, and will not waver in its support for the brave people of Venezuela. They are fighting for freedom, their basic rights, and a return to democracy and the rule of law. The Maduro dictatorship must end for Venezuela to have a stable, democratic, and prosperous future—free from the horrors of socialism that have ravaged this once great country.
美國譴責馬杜羅獨裁統治繼續嚴重侵犯人權和鎮壓行為,並且不會動搖其對勇敢的委內瑞拉人民的支持。他們為自由、基本權利以及恢復民主和法治而鬥爭。為了委內瑞拉擁有一個穩定、民主和繁榮的未來 ,即擺脫曾經蹂躪這個一度偉大的國家的社會主義恐怖,馬杜羅獨裁統治必須結束。
As the Trump Administration has made clear: All options are on the table. The United States will use every appropriate tool to end Maduro’s hold on Venezuela, support the Venezuelan people’s access to humanitarian assistance, and ensure a democratic transition in Venezuela. The United States has taken great care to safeguard the Venezuelan people’s access to humanitarian goods, and will continue to work closely with its partners to safeguard peace and security in the Western Hemisphere.
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