川普劉鶴二次會談前 記者會(視頻截圖)
Remarks by President Trump Before Meeting with Vice Premier Liu He of the People’s Republic of China
Issued on: February 22, 2019
Oval Office
2:31 P.M. EST
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. It’s a great honor to be with the Vice Premier of China, a very highly respected man in China. And we’re negotiating trade and the trade agreement. And we have many representatives from China and — as you’d know, and most of you know who they are — many representatives from the United States.
總統川普:非常感謝你。能夠和中國副總理在一起,他在中國是非常受尊敬的人。我們正在談判貿易和貿易協定。我們有很多來自中國的代表 - 如你們所知,你們大多數人都知道他們是誰。(這兒還有)很多來自美國的代表。
I think we’re getting along very well. Ultimately, I think the biggest decisions and some even smaller decisions will be made by President Xi and myself. And we expect to have a meeting sometime in the not-too-distant future.
And I can only say talks are going along well, but we’re going to have to see what happens. I think there’ll be some points that this group won’t agree on because maybe they’re not supposed to agree on, allowed to agree on. And I think President Xi and I will work out the final points, perhaps. And perhaps not.
So I just want to say, Mr. Vice Premier, it’s a great honor to have you.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: And we thank you very much.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Would you like to say something?
VICE PREMIER LIU: Okay. Thank you very, very much, Mr. President. It’s a great honor to meet you. I came here — first I bring a message from our President. If you don’t mind, I ask the interpreter to read the letter to you.
劉鶴:好的。非常非常感謝你,總統先生。很榮幸見到你。我來這裡 - 首先我從我們的主席那里帶來一封信。如果你不介意,我請翻譯給你讀這封信。
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you. Please.
So, you can hear fine? You’ll speak for them.
INTERPRETER: Okay. Message from President Xi Jinping to President Donald J. Trump:
Mr. President,
As China and the U.S. are holding another round of high-level economic and trade talks, I entrust Vice Premier Liu He to be my Special Envoy and ask him to bring you my warm greetings and best regards.
Not too long ago, you sent to me a special letter of festive greetings, together with the lovely video made for me and my wife by your grandchildren on the Chinese Lunar New Year. We enjoyed the performance greatly and were happy to see that the little ones have kept improving in their Chinese. We watched the video more than once and feel that we must (inaudible) for these adorable grandchildren of yours.
I’m also pleased to note that, to follow through on what has been agreed upon between the two of us in Argentina, our economic teams have, since lately, engaged in intensive consultations and made significant progress. This has been well received in both our countries and in the wider international community. It is my hope that our two sides will continue to work together in the spirit of mutual respect and win-win cooperation and could redouble our efforts so as to meet each other halfway and reach an agreement that works for our mutual benefit.
Mr. President, I stand ready to be in close touch with you through various means. Please let me know if you have any specific thought in mind.
To conclude, my wife Peng Liyuan and I wish to extend our season’s greetings to you, Melania, and your family. May you all enjoy happiness and success in the Year of the Pig.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. That’s very nice. Say “Thank you very much”; I would really appreciate if you would just give my warmest regards.
總統川普:非常感謝你。那非常好的。(川普轉向劉鶴)說“非常感謝你”; 我將非常感激,如果你能轉達我最熱烈的問候。
The video he’s talking about is a video made by Ivanka and Jared, and it’s — their children speak fluent Chinese, even though they’re very young. They were taught, at a very young age, Chinese. And when President Xi met Arabella, who’s the oldest, he said this was like perfect Chinese from a — at the time, it was 5-year old — from a 5-year old girl from Beijing. And I thought that was nice. And they actually made a little video that they sent to President Xi.
他正在談到的視頻,是由伊万卡和賈里德製作的,它是 - 他們的孩子們會說流利的中文,即使他們還很年輕。他們在很小的時候就被教過中文。當習主席遇到阿拉貝拉時,最年長的孫女,他說這就像一個完美的中國人 - 當時是5歲 - 她好像是來自北京的一個5歲女孩。我認為那很好。他們實際上製作了一個小視頻送給習主席。
And if you want, we could even give them — I’m sure the press wouldn’t like to see the video but — (laughter) — if you would, just in case you would, I think it would be fine. If you’d like to do that, Jared, you could just give it to a few of the people. But it was — I thought it was a very nice thing. And it shows a great friendship between the two countries. And that was really just a “Happy New Year” wish that was given in Chinese by Arabella — mostly by Arabella and her two brothers. So I think it was — I think it’s good. I wouldn’t mind if you gave it.
如果你們願意要,我們甚至可以把視頻給你們 - 我肯定媒體不希望看到視頻。但是 - (笑聲) - 如果你願意的話,萬一你願意,我認為沒問題。如果你想這樣做,賈里德,你可以把它給一些人。但它是 - 我認為這是一件非常好的事情。它顯示了兩國之間的友誼。這實際上只是“新年快樂”祝福,阿拉貝拉用中文傳遞的 - 主要是阿拉貝拉和她的兩個兄弟。所以我認為這是 - 我認為這很好。我不介意,如果你把視頻送人。(待續)
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