誰說老年人不玩IG!不少人都覺得Instagram是專屬於年輕人的社群媒體,但高齡92歲的英國女王伊麗莎白二世人老心不老,本月7日,她首度以第一人稱在IG發文,文中分享了參觀科學博物館特展的見聞,最後還署名「Elizabeth R.」,吸引了破25萬人次點讚。
活到老學到老 92歲英女也玩IG

活到老學到老,92歲英女也玩IG。(圖片來源:SIMON DAWSON / AFP / Getty Images)
英國女王伊莉莎白二世在IG貼文中寫到,「我今天造訪了科學博物館,並在館內發現這封從皇家檔案館(Royal Archives)取出的信」她敘述自己前往科學博物館參觀特展,貼出一封1843年由「分析機」(Analytical Engine)發明人貝比吉(Charles Babbage),寫給其曾曾曾祖父艾伯特親王(Prince Albert)的信,並寫下這封信的來由及意義。

女王造訪了科學博物館,並利用該館館內的平板電腦iPad發文。(圖片來源:SIMON DAWSON / AFP / Getty Images)
當時艾伯特親王親自見到分析機原型,而此分析機也促使世界上第一位電腦程式設計師勒芙蕾絲(Ada Lovelace)創造電腦程式的起源。伊莉莎白女王在文中寫道:「非常榮幸可以學習有關孩童撰寫電腦程式的計畫,而且看來很適合在致力推動技術創新的地方,發布我第一則Instagram貼文。」更酷的是,女王是利用該館館內的平板電腦iPad發文。
不勞煩小編代發 親自po文
據悉,英國皇室在Instagram、Facebook和Twitter都擁有數百萬粉絲,但大部分的貼文都是由小編代發。英國女王伊麗莎白二世在這則Instagram貼文後署名「Elizabeth R.」,她不像大多數名人靠小編幫忙,而是親自po文,該文一發布,果然造成外媒的轟動,雖然該則貼文不是美食或是自拍照,一樣吸引25萬人朝聖,外媒也競相撰文報導,不少粉絲都在這篇貼文下留言驚呼,「歡迎女王來Instagram」。
Today, The Queen has released a message ahead of Commonwealth Day on Monday. "Commonwealth Day has a special significance this year as we mark the 70th anniversary of the London Declaration, when nations of the Commonwealth agreed to move forward together as free and equal members. The vision and sense of connection that inspired the signatories has stood the test of time, and the Commonwealth continues to grow, adapting to address contemporary needs. "Today, many millions of people around the world are drawn together because of the collective values shared by the Commonwealth. In April last year, I welcomed the leaders of our 53 nations to Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, and we all witnessed how the Commonwealth vision offers hope, and inspires us to find ways of protecting our planet, and our people. "We are able to look to the future with greater confidence and optimism as a result of the links that we share, and thanks to the networks of cooperation and mutual support to which we contribute, and on which we draw. With enduring commitment through times of great change, successive generations have demonstrated that whilst the goodwill for which the Commonwealth is renowned may be intangible, its impact is very real. "We experience this as people of all backgrounds continue to find new ways of expressing through action the value of belonging in a connected Commonwealth. I hope and trust that many more will commit to doing so this Commonwealth Day." 📷 PA Images #commonwealth
The Royal Family(@theroyalfamily)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 3月 月 9 日 上午 4:13 張貼