英國外相約翰遜對英國保守黨人權委員會副主席Benedict Rogers被拒入境香港事件表示高度關注。(圖片來源:Getty Images)
【看中國2017年10月12日訊】(看中國記者鐘靈綜合報導)曾聲援香港「雙學三子」的英國保守黨人權委員會副主席Benedict Rogers,昨日入境香港時被拒,最終乘機返回曼谷,事後他透露曾接獲中國大使館告誡指將被拒入境香港。英國外相約翰遜對事件表示高度關注,要求香港及中方解釋。
《蘋果日報》報導,Benedict Rogers昨日早上從泰國曼谷抵港時被入境處拒絕入境,但無交代確切原因。昨日記者會上有記者提問有關事件,林鄭月娥拒絕回應,強調入境政策方面有「很大酌情權」,但不能公開透露「誰可以入境,誰不可以」。
Benedict Rogers過去一直關注亞洲多國人權狀況,8月曾在倫敦組織聲援「三子」黃之鋒、羅冠聰及周永康的行動,及要求英國政府應以《中英聯合聲明》簽署國身分為香港發聲,被中共視為「眼中釘」。他昨日撰文交代事件經過,並慨嘆為香港感到悲哀,希望世界各國能夠醒覺,關注香港「一國兩制」的制度已經岌岌可危。
Benedict Rogers撰文,中文翻譯全文如下(翻譯取自《蘋果日報》):
Benedict Rogers親撰英文原文
By Benedict Rogers
Twenty years ago,as afresh graduate,I flew to Hong Kong just afew months after the handover,to begin my first job.I spent five very happy years working as ajournalist in Hong Kong,from 1997-2002.I never expected that twenty years later,I would be refused entry to Hong Kong.
In the past three years Ihave become increasingly concerned about the erosion of Hong Kong’s freedoms and the rule of law,and the threats to“one country,two systems”.As aresult,I have been increasingly engaged in advocacy for Hong Kong.I have had the privilege of hosting,in London,Joshua Wong,Nathan Law and Anson Chan,and of working closely with Martin Lee–all heroes and friends of mine.I decided it was time for me visit Hong Kong again,simply to meet people and to listen and learn about the current situation.I had visited Hong Kong several times over the past fifteen years,but had not been back for afew years.
My intention was to meet people privately.I had made discreet enquiries about whether or not it would be possible or desirable to visit Joshua Wong,Nathan Law or Alex Chow in prison,but Ihad realized aweek or more ago that it would not be possible.Unfortunately,even enquiring about the possibility drew the attention of the Chinese authorities.
The first indication Ihad that there was aproblem came last Friday,when Ireceived atelephone call from aBritish Member of Parliament whom Iknow well and respect greatly.He informed me he had received calls from the Chinese Embassy in London,expressing concern that an attempt to visit these three student leaders would pose“a grave threat to Sino-British relations”.I asked him to reassure the Chinese Embassy that Iwould not be attempting to visit any prisons.I took afurther step–a compromise,some might say one too big,but one intended to de-escalate the situation–by voluntarily assuring them that Iwould not undertake any public engagements or media interviews while in Hong Kong.I also offered to meet the embassy upon my return,for aconstructive discussion and to hear their perspectives.These offers were rebuffed and Ireceived further,increasingly threatening messages from the embassy,culminating in amessage warning me that Iwould be denied entry.
It appears there was another factor too.I serve as Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission,a voluntary role in my spare time,and Iam on the Conservative Party’s Candidates List.It appears that the Chinese authorities misunderstood my status and thought at first that Iwas aMember of Parliament or asenior party or government official,and that my visit to Hong Kong would be in an official capacity on behalf of the party.I suppose one could forgive them for that mistake,because in China aparty member is aparty member come what may.They perhaps don’t understand that British political parties are made up of individual,independent minds–and furthermore there’s adifference between avoluntary party member and aparty official,and adifference between someone acting on behalf of the party and someone acting in aprivate,personal capacity.Nevertheless Isought to reassure the embassy,via athird party,that Iwas absolutely not representing the party,and certainly not the government,and that my visit was apurely personal,private visit to meet old friends and new acquaintances in Hong Kong,as aprivate citizen.Unfortunately,that did not satisfy either.
In consultation with others,I took the view that if Iwere to cave in to pressure from the embassy,sent through unofficial text messages via athird party,I would be doing exactly what Ihave criticized others of doing:kowtowing to China.My conscience would not allow me to do that.How could Ilook my friends Joshua Wong,Nathan Law,Alex Chow,Martin Lee,Anson Chan and others in the eye if Icaved at the first hurdle?I decided therefore that Ihad to put it to the test by going as planned to Hong Kong.Perhaps they were bluffing,threatening to deny me entry in the hope that Iwould go away quietly.Or,if they were serious,then they would have to refuse me entry formally and publicly,exposing to the world yet another example of the erosion of one country,two systems.
Very regrettably,the latter course was what occurred.I landed in Hong Kong,proceeded to immigration,and when my turn came Ipresented my passport and arrival card as normal.The immigration officer put my name into the computer,and evidently the computer said no.She called other officers over,they took me to aprivate room behind the counters,and Iwas asked to wait.After alittle while aplain clothes official conducted an interview with me.I assured her that my visit was aprivate,personal visit to meet friends,and that Ihad lived in Hong Kong for five years.She took details of my hotel booking,and Ithought perhaps they were about to allow me in.A little later,however,she informed me that the decision had been made to deny me entry,and put me back on the flight to Bangkok,which was where Ihad flown from.
It is important to emphasise that Ido not in any way blame the immigration officers who“looked after”me during this time.They were just doing their job and,in the circumstances,they treated me as kindly and courteously as possible.Their manner was polite and friendly,they offered me water,they smiled.Indeed,I had the impression that they really did not want to be doing this,but that they were operating according to orders from above,beyond their control.
As Iwaited to board Iturned gently to the officer standing with me.I smiled,and Ithanked him for looking after me well.“Is one country,two systems dead now?”,I asked.“One country,one system,right?”He looked with ahint of tears in his eyes,pleadingly.“Sir please,I am just doing my job.I cannot comment.Thank you for your cooperation”.I reassured him that Iknew he was only doing his job,and that Idid not blame him.
A little later,as we shook hands at the entrance to the plane,I said to him:“This is avery sad day for Hong Kong.It’s sad for me,that Iam unable to visit my friends in Hong Kong,but it’s particularly sad for Hong Kong,that aprivate citizen who has committed no crime is refused entry.”He nodded,again with ahint of tears.“I understand.It is sad,”he said.My final word to him was this:“I hope things will change for the better”.
“One country,two systems”is supposed to mean“Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong”.Yet it is overwhelmingly clear that the decision to deny me entry to Hong Kong was not taken in Hong Kong,but by the Chinese regime.“One country,two systems”is supposed to mean the rule of law,yet asolicitor,Albert Ho,who very kindly took the train out to the airport in order to meet me and see if he could assist,was denied access to me because Iwas put back on the plane before he could reach me.“One country,two systems”is supposed to mean basic rights in Hong Kong–freedom of expression and association–yet despite assurances from me that Iwould not engage in any public events,and would simply be having private meetings,my own freedom of expression and more importantly the freedom of expression and association of those Ihad hoped to meet has been curtailed.
This is not about me.It is about Hong Kong.And it is clear from this very stark,personal,first-hand and painful experience that if“one country,two systems”is not yet completely dead,it is dying rapidly,being decapitated limb by limb with accelerating speed.The world,and especially the United Kingdom with its responsibilities under the Sino-British Joint Declaration,must wake up to this.I am no threat to Sino-British relations.But Ibelieve the conduct of the Chinese regime,particularly in Hong Kong,is.
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