
【看中國2013年12月27日訊】美國房地產公司Moveto在其博客中發布了「2013年全美十佳最棒城市」(America’s 10 Best Cities for 2013),西雅圖榮登榜單,排名第三,落後於波特蘭和亞特蘭大。





Portland, OR

Our best city in America for 2013, Portland posted stellar scores across the board, especially when it came to nerdiness and being excellent for movie lovers.Source:Wikipedia user Cacophony

Las Vegas, NV

Sin City obviously placed near-last (44th) for our Saintly Cities ranking, but ranked first for home buyers and was the second-most-funny city we studied.Source: Wikipedia user Lasvegaslover

Miami, FL

Known for its international fashion scene, Miami came in third for Best Dressed. It was also the fifth-smartest city in our ranking.Source: Wikipedia user Marc Averette

Denver, CO

Denver placed highest for meat lovers at No. 5 for that criterion, but ranked highly for healthiest city, funniest city, and best city for movie lovers as well.Source: Wikipedia user Hogs555

San Diego, CA

San Diego's two highest ranks were eighth place for the Best Dressed and Healthiest categories, although Preppiest wasn't far behind at 10th.Source: Wikipedia user Tomcio77

Raleigh, NC

This North Carolina city was the second-most preppy in our ranking, but also placed highly for saintliness (sixth) and home buyers (seventh).Source: Wikipedia user Mark Turner

Washington, DC

Our nation's capital, Washington, DC, was also the smartest city in our ranking. Its next highest ranking was fifth for most exciting and best dressed.Source: Wikipedia user Wendy Harman

San Francisco, CA

The City by the Bay, San Francisco, placed first when it came to being best dressed, but also claimed the top spot for food lovers and preppies.Source: Wikipedia user Joshualeverburg1

Seattle, WA

Representing the Pacific Northwest in our top 10, Seattle was the hardest working city in our ranking and came in second for food lovers.Source: Wikipedia user Daniel Schwe

Atlanta, GA

In addition to placing first for nerds, Atlanta also took top honors for funniest city, most steampunk city, and best city for meat lovers.Source: Wikipedia user Brett Weinstein



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