Taiwan Merchants Association
13744 Northern Boulevard, Flushing, NY
(718) 445-7007
聯繫人:李大勇 201-507-0810
Forum on CCP’s Pending Collapse
New York, 2012
Press Release
2012 has been a year filled with anxiety and hope for the future of
mankind. In mainland China, people are more awakened, the Tuidang
movement is more prevalent, uprisings against the regime can be seen
everywhere. The CCP is rushing towards its own demise. The end of 2012
is near. At this moment overwhelmed with turbulence and separation,
elevation and degeneration, illusion and hope, some gave their lives
for the ultimate truth showing great compassion and tolerance; some
are living a cowardly life for fear of evil’s retaliation; some even
sold their bodies and souls to the evil to aid in evil’s persecution
of kindness.
Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party will
hold a forum on CCP’s pending collapse. Prominent figures and experts
in the subject matter will give vibrant speeches on the state of CCP’s
disintegration in 2012 and on what 2013 will unfold on the
battleground between good and evil. The Forum attempts to create a
vision to completely extinguish any lingering hope for the CCP and to
generate a broad sense of spurning upon the collapsing CCP.
We welcome your participation.
Time: Dec. 23, 2012 11am – 2pm
Taiwan Merchants Association
13744 Northern Boulevard, Flushing, NY
(718) 445-7007
Coordinator:Dayong Li 201-507-0810
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