Jackie Evancho,2000年4月9日出生於美國賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡,古典跨界唱法(Classical crossover)的著名童星。2010年9月15日成為第五屆美國達人秀的亞軍;2010年12月10日被美國唱片工業協會鑑定成為史上最年輕單張唱片銷量過百萬年的歌手;2011年11月7日又成為史上最年輕在林肯中心舉辦獨唱音樂會的歌手。其本人也是聯合國「人道——仁慈社會」的形象大使。在其諸多榮譽之中,Jackie被美國國家少年聯盟評選為2011年十大最有禮節的人物之一。
There was a field in my old town
Where we always played hand in hand
The wind was gently touching the grass
We were so young so fearless
Then I dreamt over and over of
you holding me tight under the stars
I made a promise to my dear Lord
I will love you forever
Time has passed
So much has changed
But the field remains in my heart
Oh where are you?
I need to tell you I still love you
So I reach out for you
You fly around me like a butterfly
Your voice still echoes in my heart
You are my true love
There was a field in my old town
Where in Spring all flowers blossomed wide
We were chasing butterflies
Hand in hand 'till close of day
Your voice still echoes in my heart.
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