1. 皇家獸醫學院(倫敦大學)Royal Veterinary College, London
2. 瑪格麗特女王大學 Queen Margaret University
3. 羅漢普頓大學 Roehampton University
4. 卡馬森聖三一學院 Trinity College, Carmarthen
5. 伍斯特大學 University of Worcester
6. 巴斯斯帕大學 Bath Spa University
7. 坎特伯裡基督教大學 Canterbury Christ Church University
8. 鄧迪大學 Dundee University
9. 蘇格蘭皇家音樂與戲劇學院 Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
10. 金史密斯學院(倫敦大學)Goldsmiths, London
1. 帝國理工學院 Imperial College, London
2. 哈珀亞當斯大學學院 Harper Adams University College
3. 皇家農學院 Royal Agricultural College
4. 拉夫堡大學 Loughborough University
5. 赫瑞瓦特大學 Heriot-Watt University
6. 德比大學 University of Derby
7. 斯旺西高等教育學院 Swansea Institute of Higher Education
8. 南安普頓索倫特大學 Southampton Solent University
9. 桑德蘭大學 Sunderland University
10. 布魯奈爾大學 Brunel University
1. 牛津大學 University of Oxford
2. 劍橋大學 University of Cambridge
3. 杜倫大學 Durham University
4. 聖安德魯斯大學 University of St Andrews
5. 格拉斯哥大學 University of Glasgow
6. 阿伯丁大學 University of Aberdeen
7. 愛丁堡大學 University of Edinburgh
8. 海斯洛普學院(倫敦大學)Heythrop College, University of London
9. 聖喬治學院(倫敦大學)St George’s, University of London
10. 皇家獸醫學院(倫敦大學)Royal Veterinary College, London
1 Manchester 54,253
2 Leeds 50,499
3 Edinburgh 47,596
4 Manchester Metropolitan 44,663
5 Bristol 41,103
6 Nottingham 40,876
7 Birmingham 40,455
8 Warwick 34,432
9 Leeds Metropolitan 34,213
10 Sheffield Hallam 34,077
11 Southampton 33,697
12 University College London 33,633
13 Sheffield 33,308
14 Cardiff 32,772
15 Nottingham Trent 32,436
16 Kingston 32,431
17 King's College London 30,472
18 Ulster 29,819
19 Liverpool 29,465
20 Liverpool John Moores 29,397
1. 貝金漢大學 University of Buckingham
2. 倫敦政經學院 LSE
3. 皇家音樂學院 Royal Academy of Music
4. 埃塞克斯大學 University of Essex
5. 亞非學院(倫敦大學)SOAS
6.皇家音樂學院 Royal College of Music
7. 華威大學 University of Warwick
8. 帝國理工學院 Imperial College, London
9. 米德爾塞克斯大學 Middlesex University
10. 倫敦城市大學 London Metropolitan University
1 UC Falmouth £14,899
2 Trinity UC,Carmarthen £15,885
3 Bangor £15,935
4 Bath Spa £16,047
5 Creative Arts £16,117
6 UC Birmingham £16,510
7 UHI Millennium Institute £16,813
8= Chester £16,908
8= UCPlymouth St Mark and St John £16,908
10 Lincoln £17,060
11 Derby £17,109
12 Liverpool John Moores £17,188
13 Worcester £17,267
14 Glamorgan £17,360
15 Gloucestershire £17,381
16 Staffordshire £17,453
17 Winchester £17,470
18 Huddersfield £17,488
19= Southampton Solent £17,591
19=Central Lancashire £17,591
21 Northampton £17,592
22 Sunderland £17,655
23 York St John £17,714
24 Abertay Dundee £17,765
25 Aberdeen £17,833
26 Leeds Trinity &All Saints £17,852
27 Swansea £17,854
28 Ulster £17,904
29 Leeds Metropolitan £17,938
30 Manchester Metropolitan £17,9707
1 LSE £29,253
2 Imperial College London £28,975
3 University College London £25,248
4 Oxford £24,748
5 King's College
London £24,440
6 Cambridge £24,091
7 Queen Mary £23,657
8 Bath £23,562
9 Warwick £23,238
10 City £22,765
11 London South Bank £22,625
12 Dundee £22,328
13 Brunel £22,323
14 Bristol £22,240
15 Surrey £22,022
16 Loughborough £21,723
17 Edinburgh £21,681
18 Glasgow £21,590
19 Strathclyde £21,248
20 Southampton £21,198
21 Durham £21,016
22 Nottingham £20,967
23 Greenwich £20,886
24 The Robert Gordon £20,858
25 Birmingham £20,845
26 Soas £20,839
27 Royal Holloway £20,724
28 Manchester £20,722
29 Cardiff £20,691
30 Hertfordshire £20,635
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