擁有千萬豪宅是許多人的夢想,如何使夢想化為現實,如何在短期內聚斂驚人的財富,當手持萬貫後,如何購得頂尖級世紀名宅...... 朋友,如果你想在這些方面得到一些啟示,中國過渡政府悉尼辦事處、中國聯邦憲政革命黨之友, 希望各界華人自願參加「觀中共前國家副主席曾慶紅悉尼億萬豪宅,看中共官員如何斂財」的活動 。
據澳洲《悉尼晨鋒報》(The Sydney Morning Herald)等多家媒體報導,中共前國家副主席(2003-2008),主管所謂公檢法及特務機構的曾慶紅,其子曾偉於2008年3月以3240萬澳元(約2.5億中國元)的天價購得悉尼世紀名宅(Craig-Y-Mor),其後又申請將該樓宇推倒重建,不過由於豪宅的歷史和文物價值等原因,這項預算高達500多萬澳元的重建項目三度申請被拒,後終於在2010年12月獲准,此事一時成為澳洲媒體的熱點新聞,「中共(國)新富豪」的「慷慨和大手筆」,著實讓不懂得中國社會潛規則和真現實的老外跌破眼鏡,也出乎許多中國人的常識意料。
曾慶紅之子曾偉2.5億元的豪宅 Wei Zeng’s mansion at 73 Wolseley Road, Point Piper
曾宅鳥瞰圖 Aerial view of Craig-y-Mor
當勞苦大眾為爭取自己基本的尊嚴和權益時,被逼迫的自焚跳樓,為何卻喚不起那些「全心全意為民服務」官員們絲毫的同情心和良心?「屁民」們的疾苦和被逼無奈,在他們眼裡都是「百分之九十九以上精神有問題」 (北京大學孫東東 語)和「誰叫你不幸生在了中國」(所謂中科院院士何祚庥 語);
1.私宅位於悉尼Point Piper 區,73 Wolseley Road路;
3.觀摩期限:自2011年2 月26 日開始 ;
4.聯繫辦法:[email protected]
中國過渡政府悉尼辦事處 主任龔正東
中國聯邦憲政革命黨之友 負責人 趙珮珩
相關信息連接 Please read more about Zeng’s mansion :
Proposal for
「Watching the Communist Cadres’ Luxury Property, to Understand How Corruptive Officials Enrich Themselves」
To own luxury house is a dream for many people, how to make this a reality, how to accumulate substantial wealth in an instant way, once money ready, how to pick up an A1 property…… If above mentioned sounds interested to you, here, the China Interim Government (CIG) Sydney Office and the Friends of China Federal Revolutionary Party kindly expect you to participate in the activity of 「Watching Zeng Qinghong’s (former vice-president of the Communist China) AUD $32 Million Mansion, to Understand How Corruptive Officials Enrich Themselves.」
According to the reports from Australian media, which include the Sydney Morning Herald, in March of 2008, Wei Zeng (also known as Arthur), the son of former vice-president (2003-2008) of the Communist China , Zeng Qinghong, and Wei Zeng’s wife Mei Jiang bought the prestigious mansion 「 Craig-y-Mor」 in Wolseley Road, Point Piper, Sydney, at a price of AUD $32.4 millions, soon afterwards, the Chinese couple lodged an application to demolish the building , and replace it with a modern AUD $5 million version, their development plan not approved until late December of 2010. However, Zeng’s big deal has really made himself a big news in Australia and around the world; It not only astonished the Westerners who got no much idea of the 「unspeakable rules」 and the true pictures in China, but also out of many Chinese citizens’ imagination.
When most Chinese still have to struggling for their daily needs, why the so-called 「People’s Servants」 (refers to the Communist officials), always enjoy a luxurious life? They not only remain super rich in China, but also in possession of millions of dollars and properties overseas.
When the working class has to rush around and pay bribes for their jobs, housing, children’ schooling etc, why the 「3 Representatives」 (refers to the Communist officials), without lifting a finger, they can earn in hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight?
When the vulnerable were forced to commit suicide for their basic Human Rights, why those in power never show even a bit of sympathy to the sufferings? Instead, the suicides, life-at-risk coal miners and the like, in the communist officials’ view, are 「at least 99% of them got psycho problems」 (Sun Dongdong’s words, a law professor at Beijing University) and 「Who had ever requested you to be born in China?」 (He Zuoxiu’s words, a so-called Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, but a shameful opportunist indeed.)
A so-called political party that all the time labeled itself as 「the pioneers of the Proletariat」, why its advantages and merits only manifest at its members’ corruption and oppression to the Chinese people? Their achievements in corruption definitely deserve a gold medal in comparison with anyone in China’s history, even for the corruptive officials from Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD) would feel self-abased.
Being same as Chinese, why the destinies so different? Same as human beings, why we, Chinese, even today, can’t live same with Freedom and Dignity like the citizens in other democratic countries? Why the universal values--- Democracy, HHuman Rights, Freedom,etc, which our Xinhai Martyrs (1911AD) had struggled for with their blood and lives, still be far away to us? Should the Chinese people be the slaves and 「Pi-Min」 of the tyranny forever? (「Pi-Min」, a common insulting word of the Communist officials for general Chinese, literally translated as 「a peanut as humble as a fart」.)
All these questions worth everyone who truly care about China’s future to think thoroughly, anyone with righteous mind should not avoid the questions either.
If We leave the Communist dictators and the anti-morality, anti-humanity, anti-democracy Chinese Communist Party running as it does, the Chinese people’s sufferings would never end, a real-meaning powerful China would never be possible, this is why above activity organized; The Tunisian people has successfully overthrown the dictator through 「the Jasmine Revolution」, and the Egyptian people’s success at the Tahrir Square , Cairo, has awaken and encouraged millions around the world, we have no doubt to believe, that the Chinese people, China , where there have fathered many heroes in her Freedom-Fighting history, should and will make even great achievements in the foreseeable future , hence, we sincerely hope everyone who supports Justice to be in the activity and spread above thoughts; The Democracy and Freedom in China can only be accomplished through every Chinese’s effort, and the support from outside world as well.
At last, we’d like to remind everyone who intends to make a trip to Craig-y-Mor, to be aware of the following:
1. Address of the building: 73 Wolseley Road, Point Piper,Sydney
2. Private property is strictly protected in Australia, trespassing is illegal and will be persecuted , therefore, visitors can only watch
the building from a distance and should not cause inconvenience to the owner, if any dispute arises, it’s the visitor’s own responsibility.
3. Date of visiting: from Feb 26 , 2011
4. If any query, please post an email to < [email protected]>
Thank you in advance for your attention and support to the Human Rights in China, we look forward to seeing you to take part in the activity.
China Interim Government, Sydney Office
Zhengdong Gong (Director)
Friends of China Federal Revolutionary Party
Peihang Zhao (Director)
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。