Apple』s safety efforts received negative media coverage in China
Apple releases its 2011 Supplier Responsibility
Progress Report, requesting its Chinese suppliers
to take responsibilities regarding workplace safety.
The report received negative Chinese media coverage
becoming Apple』s first scandal in China.
In the 25-page report, Apple gave details of the
investigation on the 2010 「Foxconn suicide」 incident,
and affirmed 137 workers at Wintek Corp,
another one of Apple's suppliers, 「suffered adverse
health effects following exposure to hexane」.
「Apple considered this series of incidents to be a core
violation for worker endangerment," the report said.
Apple requested remedial actions and will follow up
on the safety measures of its suppliers.
This report marked the first time Apple received
negative media coverage in China.
Phrases such as 「poisoned Apple」, 「the end of the
Apple legend」, and 「Apple sweatshop」 appear
frequently in news reports. Some even refer to the
poisoned workers at Wintek as 「Apple employees」.
The poisoned workers at Wintek are in fact not
employees of Apple, and Wintek Corp is only Apple』s
contractor that also supplies to many other companies.
Because Apple implements strict quality control,
in order to lower defective loss, Wintek used hexane
instead of more expensive alcohol as cleaning agent,
causing harm to some of its employees』 health.
On the contrary, the responsibilities of Wintek,
as well as the local government agencies,
are seldom mentioned in the news.
Apple』s transparency in investigation
and efforts in implementing workplace safety
has become the target of attack by Chinese media.
Xin Haiguang, special correspondent of the
Financial Times wrote: Apple』s situation is similar
to the 「Peng Yu incident」 in Nanjing 2 years ago.
Peng Yu』s was sued for helping an injured old lady,
which greatly affected the morals of Chinese people.
Today Apple』s procurement of 「supply chain social
responsibility」 is reflected negatively, which may
affect other foreign companies』 attitude and effort in
ensuring 「supply chain social responsibility」 in China.
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