佩洛西說:「今天是6月4日,是天安門廣場大屠殺21週年。」 她講到,在過去的二十年來一直在努力敦促聯合國人權委員會對天安門廣場屠殺事件有所作為,但遺憾的是始終沒有看到任何結果。她認為聯合國人權委員會在此事上的反應,相比之下讓人感到心理不能平衡。她說:「21年了,我們沒有看到聯合國針對天安門廣場屠殺這樣的人權侵犯採取任何行動,這令我感到煩惱。」她表示,我們要尊重事實,同時也為失去了的生命感到遺憾。
在這個特殊的日子,佩洛西說:「我向中國人民表達最崇高的敬意。」 美中關係對兩國人民都很重要,她認為,中國政府執政的更加公開化和增加透明度,將會對中國人民更好。美國將繼續關注中國的人權問題。她表示,在中國人們在發表不同意見時的處境仍令人擔憂,還有西藏人所遭受的待遇等等。
佩洛西提到,她在訪問北京時,有人告訴她,中國年輕一代的學生,還從沒有見過那張「擋在坦克車前面的年輕人」的照片。當他們被問到「這張照片對你們來說意味著什麼」時,他們的回答是:「對不起,我還從來沒有見過。」 這明顯看到存在的對在那時發生了什麼的迴避和拒絕。佩洛西說:「這是很可悲的事。而更令人難過的是,今天的中國仍然壓制言論自由。」
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Pelosi Statement on the 21st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing on June 4, 1989:
「Twenty one years ago this week, thousands of Chinese students, workers, and citizens assembled in Tiananmen Square to bravely speak out. They called for the elimination of corruption. They called for an acceleration of democratic reform, freedom of speech and assembly. They called for a dialogue with China’s leaders on how to make progress.
「We remember with sadness and outrage how China’s military was unleashed on its own people. One of the most enduring images of the 20th Century will forever be seared into our conscience – the picture of the lone man standing in the street, bringing the line of tanks to a grinding halt. Today, the spirit of Tiananmen lives on in the hearts and minds of those continuing the struggle both in China and abroad. These heroes have the courage to speak out for freedom.
「Liu Xiaobo is one of those individuals. In the 1990s, Liu has spent five years in prison and in re-education-through-labor camps for supporting the Tiananmen students and questioning the one-party system. In 2008, Liu was arrested again for being one of the organizers of Charter 08, an online public petition for democracy and the rule of law that has over 8,000 signatures of Chinese citizens. In 2009, Liu was sentenced 11 years imprisonment for ‘inciting subversion of state power.’ The harshness of his sentence is further proof of the power of his message among Chinese citizens.
「While the Chinese government prohibits its people from publicly discussing the events of June 4th, the people of Hong Kong exercise their civil liberties on each anniversary by holding a candlelight vigil in memory of the victims. This year for the first time, police arrested activists and confiscated the Goddess of Democracy replica statue that is the symbol of the Tiananmen movement. This crackdown on freedom of expression will only succeed in shining a spotlight on the courage of Hong Kong’s democratic movement. The United States must stand solidly with the people of Hong Kong in their desire for democracy and freedom of speech and assembly.
「The spirit of Tiananmen continues to inspire and endure. Today we say to the people of China and freedom-loving people everywhere: ‘Your cause is our cause. We will never forget.’」
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。