(上) 民主女神像被中共戒嚴部隊合力拉倒
(下) 中共士兵六月四日在天安門廣場上焚燒被撞毀的女神像
達賴喇嘛(Dalai Lama)
圖圖大主教(Desmond Tutu)
但是,我們不認為劉曉波先生是2010年諾貝爾和平獎的合格候選人。因為,就在最近,被非法拘留近一年的劉曉波於2009年12月23日在北京法庭審判中歪曲事實地發表了《我沒有敵人——我的最後陳述》的陳詞,劉曉波授權妻子於2010年1月21日將此陳詞發表在自由亞洲電臺和德國之聲等網站。在此陳詞中,他僅憑中共司法機構在他拘押期間刻意對他個人的特殊待遇,粉飾中共政權惡劣的人權和司法狀況。他在此文中前後矛盾,既說中共對他的治罪是以言治罪,又稱讚中共把「尊重和保障人權」寫進憲法,是「標誌著人權已經成為中國法治的根本原則之一。」在同一文中,劉曉波還稱讚監獄的「柔性化的管理」,「 為在押人員提供了人性化的生活環境」,「讓人感到溫暖」。
眾所周知, 中共一貫拒絕民間社會的任何力量與它分享權力,它把任何要它放棄獨裁專制的人都視為威脅到它的政權的敵對勢力並加以殘酷迫害。無論是以抗爭的方式還是以規勸的方式,中共都不能容忍,即使劉曉波以《零八憲章》這類規勸中共接受民主制度的諫言書的方式,中共也不能容忍。這次劉曉波的被捕再次說明,認為中共會自行改良、和平轉型成民主制度的幻想徹底破滅,也說明劉曉波的勸說和諫言之路是完全走不通的。
中國的異見人士爭論的焦點是:如何看待中國共產黨的極權專制統治?這個爭論導致中國異見人士分為「抗爭派」 和「合作派」。前者徹底否定共產極權政府、喚醒民眾抵制專制、建立民主政府,後者與極權政府合作、幻想共同建立「民主制度」。由於中國異見人士隊伍中的這個嚴重的分歧,加上中共情治機關的滲透和收買,使得異見人士這個隊伍越發混亂和複雜,中國當前的民主運動就像當初東歐國家共產黨倒臺前的情況一樣混亂和複雜。因此我們認為,對於劉曉波這樣一個有爭議的 「合作派」代表人物,也許只有時間才能說明他的真實面目。
卞和祥 中共製度的政治反對派,中國社會民主黨中央委員,美國守護者同盟主席,因追求中國自由民主、支持法輪功反迫害被中共列入黑名單。現住美國紐約。
還學文 自由作家,因參與海外獨立學者、學生組織,反對中共八九年大屠殺,九二年被中共政府吊銷護照。現住在德國埃森。
劉國華 中共製度的政治反對派,原中國東北大學副教授,美國守護者同盟副主席,現住美國紐約。
劉曉東 自由撰稿人,筆名三妹,因在海外參與和支持中國民主運動被中共列入黑名單。現住美國芝加哥。
魯德成 中共製度的政治反對派,因參加1989年天安門民主運動和蛋擊毛像被判處有期徒刑16年,1998年獲假釋出獄。現住加拿大卡城。
蘇君硯 自由作家、資深時政評論家,北京大學歷史系畢業。曾因六四期間政治觀點受到中共政治迫害,被判刑入獄,後獲聯合國政治保護。現居加拿大多倫多。
唐柏橋 中國和平民主聯盟主席,在中國曾參與和組織一九八九年民主運動,被判刑三年,入獄一年半。現住美國紐約。
王功彪 人權活動人士,因家庭出身自幼飽受當局歧視,因自由言論受當局政治迫害,後逃亡澳大利亞獲政治庇護。現居澳大利亞悉尼。
王勝林 中國異見人士,現任匯豐銀行資深金融信息分析師,因在海外參與和支持中國民主運動被中共列入黑名單。現住美國芝加哥。
伍凡 中共製度的政治反對派,現任《中國事務》總編輯、中國獨立筆會成員、中國自由文化運動協調委員會委員。 1957年被當局內定右派份子,1968年被當局定為現行反革命份子判有期徒刑20年,勞改12年,於1979年11月釋放,回中國安徽師範大學任教。現住美國加州洛杉磯。
蕭虹 自由撰稿人,現住丹麥。
蕭勁 博大書局經理,因母親修煉法輪功遭受中共迫害而起而抗爭中共暴政,加拿大國籍,現住美國紐約。
熊焱 一九八九年天安門學生民主運動的參加者,於一九八九年六月十四被捕入獄,九一年一月出獄。現在美國陸軍任牧師。現住美國阿拉巴馬州。
徐水良 中共製度的政治反對派,1973年開始投身中國民主運動,1975年至1979年,1981年5月至1991年5月,兩度因參與和支持中國民主運動而入獄十多年。現住美國紐約。
許毅 學者,現任教於英國倫敦大學學院。因在海外參與和支持中國民主運動被中共列入黑名單並多年被禁止回中國探親。現住英國倫敦。
袁紅冰 自由作家,法學家,《中國自由文化運動》發起人,因參加1989年天安門民主運動遭中共當局秘密逮捕,被政治流放到中國偏遠城市貴州,2004年在澳大利亞尋求政治避難。現居澳大利亞悉尼。
曾大軍 教師,現住美國紐約。
張國亭 中共製度的政治反對派,網路工作者,1960年十六歲時即被捕勞改,後被定為「反革命罪」判無期徒刑,坐牢長達二十二年,於1982年出獄並逃亡丹麥。現住丹麥。
仲維光 自由作家,因發表研究指出共產黨思想及文化的問題,併發表文章批評中國共產黨政府而被中共列入黑名單,九七年被吊銷護照。現住德國埃森。
A letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee and Mr. Havel
from Overseas Chinese Concerned with Chinese Democracy
To: Nobel Peace Prize Committee
Copied to:
Dalai Lama
Desmond Tutu
Herta Müller, 2009 Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature
U.S. State Department
U.S. Congress
U.S. National Endowment for Democracy Foundation
U.S. Human Rights Organizations
International Human Rights Organizations
European Parliament
Respected Nobel Prize Committee and Mr. Vaclav Havel:
We are a group of exiled overseas writers, dissidents, and overseas Chinese, who are concerned about and have been participating in the Chinese democracy movement for many years. We have always condemned the persecutory conduct of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government, and we are equally opposed to the CCP’s current persecution of writer Liu Xiaobo.
However, we do not consider that Liu Xiaobo qualifies as a candidate for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. As recently as December 23, 2009, he made a statement entitled 「I have no enemies—my final statement」 during his trial after being detained for nearly a year. This statement was released to Radio Free Asia and Voice of Germany by his wife on January 21, 2010. In this statement, he whitewashed the Communist regime’s appalling human rights record and legal system, based on only his own special treatment by the CCP justice system during his detention. He also contradicted himself by first saying that the CCP was criminalizing him for his speech, and then praising the CCP for putting 「respecting and protecting human rights」 into the constitution, saying that 「it is a sign that human rights have become one of the fundamental principles of Chinese law.」 Also in this statement, he praised the CCP prison system for its 「tender management,」 「offering inmates a humane living environment,」 and 「making them feel warm.」
At the same time that Liu Xiaobo was receiving 「tender and humane」 special treatment in jail, under the same totalitarian regime, in the same year, under the same legal system, Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng and other prisoners of conscience were suffering from brutal tortures as atrocious as electric shocks to the genitals by the police. Liu Xiaobo clearly knew that the CCP was deliberately giving him special lenient treatment while ruthlessly brutalizing Mr. Gao Zhisheng and other prisoners of conscience. But he still said in his 「I have no enemies」 statement that the Chinese government 「recognizes universal standards of human rights.」 This is consistent with his conduct after the Tiananmen movement of 1989. Back then in a speech broadcast across the national television network, he helped the CCP to cover up its massacre during the June 4th movement. Because of these deeds and conduct, he has lost the moral image fit for a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
As everyone knows, the CCP has always refused to share power with any force outside the government. It also views anyone who demands it to relinquish its dictatorship as 「hostile forces.」 These 「hostile forces」 are subjected to brutal persecution by the CCP, regardless of whether the demand was in the form of resistance or gentle suggestions, including Liu Xiaobo’s 「Charter 08,」 which tries to persuade the CCP to adopt democracy. Liu’s arrest this time again demonstrates the fall of the fantasy that the CCP regime will reform itself and peacefully transition into a democracy. It also shows that Liu Xiaobo’s path of persuasion and advice can only lead to a dead end.
Liu Xiaobo is free to say whatever he wants, but as a public-figure 「dissident,」 his disregard for facts and open praise for the CCP regime that tramples on human rights, and his attempt to both defend himself and exonerate the CCP, all set a precedent of confounding truth and falsehood that misguides and negatively impacts the Chinese democracy movement.
The point of dispute among the Chinese dissidents is this: How do we confront the totalitarian rule of the CCP? This dispute divides Chinese dissidents into those who favor change through resistance and those who favor change through cooperation. The former completely negate the totalitarian Communist system, calling for the people to reject dictatorship and establish a democratic government; the latter cooperate with the CCP, hoping to work with it to establish a 「democratic system.」 The existence of such severe differences among the Chinese dissidents, plus the CCP intelligence operation’s infiltration and buy off, makes the ranks of dissidents highly complex. The current Chinese democracy movement is as chaotic and complicated as the resistance movements before the collapse of the Communist parties in the Eastern European countries. It is our belief that perhaps only time can reveal the true face of Liu Xiaobo as a controversial figure and representative of the 「cooperative faction.」
Finally, we would like to clarify that we are opposed to any infringements on freedom and human rights by the CCP. We also consider it illegal to criminalize free speech and persecute and imprison either those who try to bring change through resistance or those who try to achieve reform through cooperation. Nonetheless, awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, with his defective image and being a representative of the 「cooperative faction,」 will have a negative impact on the Chinese peoples’ struggle for human rights, freedom, and democracy.
To inspire the Chinese people currently struggling against the brutal tyranny of the CCP, with respect to the selection of Chinese candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize, we hope that the Nobel Committee will consider those individuals who have made real contributions to the struggle for freedom, human rights and democracy in China. They are, for example, Gao Zhisheng and Hu Jia who are currently being persecuted by the CCP, and Dr. Gao Yaojie who just fled China to escape persecution.
Sincerely and respectfully yours,
Bian Hexiang,Anti-CCP activist. Member, Central Committee of Chinese Social Democratic Party; Chairman, The Coalition of Guards For American Values, Inc.; blacklisted by CCP for the pursuit of freedom and democracy in China and support for Fanlun Gong’s struggle against persecution. Now living in New York City, USA.
Huan Xuewen,Freelance writer. Passport invalidated by CCP in 1992 for joining overseas independent students and scholars organizations and opposing the 1989 massacre by CCP. Now living in Essen, Germany.
Liu Guohua,Anti-CCP activist, Former Associate Professor of Northeastern University, China. Vice Chairman, The Coalition of Guards For American Values, Inc. Now living in New York City, USA.
Liu Xiaodong,Freelance writer, Pen name: San Mei. Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements. Now living in Chicago, USA.
Lu Decheng,Anti-CCP activist. Sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years for participating in the 1989 Tiananmen pro-democracy movement and defacing Mao’s portrait on Tiananmen with paint-filled eggs; released on parole in 1998. Now living in Calgary, Canada.
Su Junyan,Freelance writer. Senior political critic, graduate of Department of History, Beijing University. Persecuted by CCP for expressing political views during the June 4th movement and sentenced to imprisonment; won the United Nations’ political asylum. Now living in Toronto, Canada.
Tang Boqiao,Chairman, China Peace and Democracy Federation. Sentenced to imprisonment for three years for participating and organizing the 1989 pro-democracy movement, and served for 18 months. Now living in New York City, USA.
Wang Gongbiao,Human rights activist. Suffered from discrimination by the CCP government due to family origin, persecuted by CCP for free speech, exiled to Australia and won political asylum there. Now living in Sydney, Australia.
Wang Shenglin,Chinese dissident, Senior Financial Information Analyst at HSBC. Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements. Now living in Chicago, USA.
Wu Fan,Anti-CCP activist. Chief Editor, China Affairs, member of Independent Chinese PEN Centre; member, Coordinating Committee of Chinese Liberal Culture Movement; labeled as a rightist by CCP in 1957, charged as a reactionary and sentenced to imprisonment for 20 years in 1968; served in labor camp for 12 years; released in November, 1979, and then taught in Anhui Teachers College, China. Now living in Los Angeles, USA.
Xiao Hong,Freelance writer. Now living in Denmark.
Xiao Jing,Manager, Broad Book USA. Rose against CCP for mother’s persecution by CCP for practicing Falun Gong; Canadian citizen. Now living in New York City, USA.
Xiong Yan,Participant of the 1989 Tiananmen student pro-democracy movement. Arrested and sentenced to imprisonment on June 14, 1989; released in January, 1991; currently serving in US Army as Army Priest. Now living in Alabama, USA.
Xu Shuiliang,Anti-CCP activist. Devoted to Chinese pro-democracy movement from 1973; jailed twice from 1975-1979 and May 1981- May 1991 for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements. Now living in New York City, USA.
Xu Yi,Associate Professor at University College London, UK. Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements, and denied passport renewal for many years. Now living in London, UK.
Yuan Hongbing,Freelance writer, jurist, founder of Chinese Liberal Culture Movement. Arrested by CCP for participating in the 1989 Tiananmen pro-democracy movement; exiled to Guizhou, China; sought political asylum in Australia in 2004. Now living in Sydney, Australia.
Zeng Dajun, Teacher. Now living in New York City, USA.
Zhang Guoting,Anti-CCP activist, Internet writer. Arrested and sentenced to labor camp in 1960 at age 16, subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment for reactionary crimes, served in prison for 22 years, released in 1982 and fled to Denmark. Now living in Denmark.
Zhong Weiguang,Freelance writer. Blacklisted by CCP for publications that point out the problems of Communism and Communist culture, and articles that criticize the CCP government; passport invalidated by CCP in 1997. Now living in Essen, Germany.
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。