更新日期:2009/08/27 12:07 引用來源:中央社制編
原文:Securing universal health care coverage for Americans was a decades-long quest of Sen. Edward Kennedy. In the wake of his death, several key Democrats saw a chance to break the stalemate on health care reform by invoking his legacy and last wishes.
在英文中,形容詞universal說的是"通通有獎、大家都有的",例如universal suffrage是指全民普選,(有投票權的人)一人一票。在臺灣,總統是以這個方式選舉產生,美國就不是,香港立法局的選舉也不是。The Legislative Council of Hong Kong consists of 60 members, half of which are directly elected by universal suffrage.(香港立法局有60席,半數以全民普選方式直接投票選出。)
健康或其他類的保險,什麼"保"或什麼"不保",都是用cover這個動詞,例如:Life insurance policies generally do not cover death by suicide, at least not for the first year.(壽險保單一般不涵蓋自殺身亡的情況,至少頭一年不會理賠。)Coverage就是cover的名詞。
Cover跟coverage另一個常見的用法,指的是媒體對新聞事件的報導。例如:The New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the scandal.(紐約時報有關那件醜聞的報導,贏得一座普立茲獎。)
這是個比較文雅的字,用在寫作的機會多於口語。例句:Stranded on a remote stretch of highway in the middle of the night, she had no choice but to invoke the help of a passing motorist.(她半夜被困在一段偏僻的公路上,只好請開車經過的人幫忙。)
Legacy這個字不太容易翻成中文,它雖然也可以指某人在遺囑中留給子女的產業,但常見的用法是指一位重要人物逝世之後,因為他生前的努力和成就,所留下的無形資產,但 legacy這個字本身是中性的,未必都是指豐功偉業,而只是指"留下的東西",例如有人在2004年批評雷根總統(任期是1981-1989)的政績說:His economic legacy is one of deplorable disregard for the consequences of his actions, and the ramifications of Reagan's decisions remain with us to this day.(他在經濟方面所留下的,是完全不顧自身行動的後果,而雷根的決定帶來的不良效應,到今天還看得到。)