以下是美國國會聯邦眾議院外交事務資深眾議員羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)在聲援李鳳智公開退黨、拋棄中共,匯入世界善良者行列新聞發布會現場的發言全文。 (根據錄音整理)
也 就是說,全世界所有有尊嚴與善良的人們都聯合的站在一起並且張開了雙臂告訴那些現在還支持只有中國有獨裁與暴虐而全世界其他任何地方都沒有的人們,來加入 我們這個大家庭! 加入我們! 我們現在甚至有一個人 (李鳳智先生) 正在加入我們而這個人曾經是這個獨裁與流氓集團的檜子手。
我 歡迎加入我們的這個朋友 (李鳳智先生),他是一位了不起的人,他歸正了自己。我也為那些退出共產黨組織的5千萬中國人喝采。我誠摯的表達會與你們以及世界上其他善良和尊嚴的好人 們共同努力以確保我們能夠張開我們的雙臂來接納那些願意為自由與尊嚴對人的任何人們加入我們的這個大家庭。
我 想我大概就講這麼多。我祝賀能夠長期為這個目標持續努力的你們。這個世界持續在改變(退黨),但是許多人們不能靠自己得到(退黨)的消息。這要依靠那些長 期努力而且實際把退黨消息傳出去的你們。我們需要確保我們能夠把退黨消息傳播出來並且確保這些消息人們能夠知道。同時我要為能夠把退黨消息傳播出來而創造 一個更美好的世界的你們喝采。
I want to make sure that I am able to put a good word in for the incredible
effort has been put out the work and hard working diligently has been put
out on behalf of the Chinese people.
I am very tough on the Government of China and I want to make sure that
everyone in China understands everyone else people understand that we are
on the side of the people of China. We are against the authoritarian, totalitarian
government is doing to them.
We want to applaud those 50M Chinese who have renounced their membership
in the Communist Party and we want those 50M people to know that we are
on their side and we are so grateful that they are now joined the decent
and good people in the world.
What is all about is: good and decent people all over the world standing
in unity together and with open arms suggesting anyone who is now supporting
a dictatorship and tyranny like his practice in China but practice everywhere
in the world come join the family! Come join us! We even actually have with
us of course a man who is joining us who is a hangman for the dictatorship
for the gangsters.
He was doing their bidding. He was not just gathering information as we
read for mass material. He is being actually an instrument of repression.
No one who is in that position should think that they have no alternative.
We now have an example before us of someone who knew that Yes, there was
an alternative that is to WALK AWAY.
So we invite today those people who still support the Communist Party in
China as well as those people who support thugs and gangsters of any regime
Let us build a better planet! Let us build a better China! Let us build
a better America! Let us build a better world!
And you do that, by making sure that you have very least you are not helping
these dictatorial powers and those people are good stepped away from that.
I welcome our friend who is joining us is a great person who restores himself
and I applaud the other 50M Chinese who have left Communist Party and I
pledge you that I will be working with all of you and the rest good decent
people of the world to try to make sure that we open our arms and receive
anyone else into our family who is willing to work for freedom and treating
people decently.
I think this is about I need to say and I congratulate all of you for being
active on issues like this. The world is going to change on its own, people
like this are not going to get the message on their own, it depends on people
be active and actually reaching out and making sure that what expressed
is heard. So we need to make sure that we express things and get that message
to the people count. And I applaud all of you for what you have done in
you live to get that message through that will make a better world.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.
Dana Rohrabacher