1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT麻省理工學院) 112
2 Stanford University (斯坦福大學) 89
3 University of California, Berkeley (加州大學伯克利分校) 75
4 The University of Texas (得克薩斯大學) 50
5 California Institute of Technology (加州理工學院) 30
5 University of Illinois (伊利諾伊大學) 30
7 Georgia Institute of Technology (喬治亞理工) 26
8 University of California, Santa Barbara (加州聖芭芭拉分校) 25
9 Cornell University (康乃爾大學) 24
10 Carnegie Mellon University (卡耐基梅隆) 22
10 University of Michigan (密西根大學) 22
10 University of Southern California (南加州大學) 22
13 Princeton University (普林斯頓大學) 21
14 Purdue University (普渡大學) 20
15 Northwestern University (西北大學) 19
15 University of California, Los Angeles (加州大學洛杉磯分校) 19
15 University of Wisconsin (威斯康辛大學) 19
18 Harvard University (哈佛大學) 18
18 University of California, San Diego (加州大學聖地亞哥分校) 18
18 Texas A & M University (A & M德州大學) 18
21 University of Minnesota (明尼蘇大) 17
22 Columbia University (哥倫比亞大學) 16
23 University of Washington (華盛頓大學) 15
24 Rice University (賴斯大學) 12
25 Johns Hopkins University (約翰霍普金斯大學) 11
25 The Ohio State University (俄亥俄州立大學) 11
25 University of Arizona (亞利桑那大學) 11
25 University of Colorado (科羅拉多大學) 11
25 University of Maryland (馬里蘭大學) 11
25 University of Virginia (弗吉利亞大學) 11
25 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (弗吉利亞理工和州立大學) 11
32 Lehigh University (裡海大學) 10
32 Pennsylvania State University (賓夕法尼亞州立大學) 10
32 University of Cambridge (劍橋大學) 10
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