然而人們又不得不面臨有朝一日「死亡」之來臨。 「生」與「死」同在,既然有了生就意味著死的開始存在。 人的「生」是沒有選擇餘地的,都是從娘肚子裡懷胎十月「呱呱墜地」而生的, 而每個人的「死」其形式有很多,「百人百樣」,各有選擇的。 在漢語和英語裡對於「死」的單詞又是很多的。下面選擇一些供「有心人」參考。
to die
to pass away
to pass away(on)
to be gone
口語:pop off(the hooks)
美語口語:cash in one’s checks
俗語: kick the bucket
斷氣(彌留): to breathe one’s last,
to expire
失去生命:to meet one’s end(death)
to lose one’s life
to perish
to be killed
犧牲 : to sacrifice
to throw away one’s life
to lay down one’s life
終其一生: to end one’s days
to end one’s life
去世: to leave this world
to depart this life
to go to the better world
自殺: to kill oneself
to commit suicide
to take one’s own life
to die by one’s own hands
比喻性的說法: to yield up the ghost
to give up the ghost
to pay one’s debt
to Nature
to join the majority
to cross the Styx
to sink into the grave
to return to dust
to go to one’s rest
to sleep the sleep of death
to sleep eternal sleep
to go the way of all flesh
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