Cinnamon does not aid type 1 diabetes control
It seems unlikely that cinnamon can improve blood sugar levels in people with type 1, or insulin-dependent, diabetes, researchers report.
Previous research has shown that cinnamon appears to help fat cells recognize and respond to insulin. In test tube experiments and in animal studies, the spice led to a noteworthy increase in the processing of glucose.
Moreover, in a previous study of people with type 2, or non-insulin dependent, diabetes, those who incorporated a small amount of cinnamon each day for 40 days into their normal diets experienced a healthy drop in blood sugar levels.
Dr. Kevin M. Curtis from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire and colleagues had 72 adolescents with type 1 diabetes take 1 gram of cinnamon per day or a placebo while they continued with their existing medication, diet and exercise routines.
They chose adolescents for the study because this age-group is particularly at risk for uncontrolled blood sugar.
However, after 90 days, Curtis and colleagues failed to see any marked differences in blood sugar control, changes in blood sugar levels, total daily insulin requirement between cinnamon takers and placebo takers.
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