使用「顛覆性」關鍵詞彙進行的搜索發顯示,在google.cn上平均顯示83%的親北京網站,而msn.cn顯示78%。相比之下,在對未經過濾的搜索引擎,如google.com,進行的測試卻只顯示出 28%的親北京信息。可是,微軟公司像古狗一樣似乎不是通過過濾內容對特定的詞彙進行阻隔,而是拒絕搜索官方認為非法的網站地址。
記者無國界組織使用了以下這些「顛覆性」詞彙:「6-4」 (天安門64大屠殺的日期),「法輪功」,「西藏獨立」,「民主」,「人權」和「新聞自由」。每個搜索引擎的前10項搜索結果經過分析後,被劃分為「合法」信息來源與「非法」信息來源顯示如下。
Google.com: 7個「非法」,3個「合法」網址(共七千二百萬項結果)
Google.cn: 5個「非法」,3個「合法」(共五千二百萬項結果)
Msn.cn (Beta): 3個「非法」,7個「合法」(八十萬項結果)
Yahoo.cn: 1個「非法」,9個「合法」(二十四萬項結果)
Baidu.cn: 3個「非法」,7個「合法」(共四十五萬項結果)
China 15 June 2006
Yahoo! clear worst offender in censorship tests on search engines
Reporters Without Borders said it found Yahoo! to be the clear worst offender in censorship tests the organisation carried out on Chinese versions of Internet search engines Yahoo!, Google, MSN as well as their local competitor Baidu.
The testing threw up significant variations in the level of filtering. While yahoo.cn censors results as strictly as baidu.cn, search engines google.cn and the beta version of msn.cn let through more information from sources that are not authorized by the authorities.
While Microsoft has just said it does not operate censorship, Reporters Without Borders found that the Chinese version of its search engine displays similar results to those of google.cn, which admits to filtering its content. Searches using a "subversive" key word display on average 83% of pro-Beijing websites on google.cn, against 78% on msn.cn. By contrast, the same type of request on an uncensored search engine, like google.com, produces only 28% of pro-Beijing sources of information. However, Microsoft like Google appears not to filter content by blocking certain keywords but by refusing to include sites considered illegal by the authorities.
The press freedom organisation is particularly shocked by the scale of censorship on yahoo.cn. first because the search results on 「subversive」 key words are 97% pro-Beijing. It is therefore censoring more than its Chinese competitor Baidu. Above all, the organisation was able to show that requests using certain terms, such as 6-4 (4 June, date of the Tiananmen Square massacre), or "Tibet independence", temporarily blocked the search tool. If you type in one of these terms on the search tool, first you receive an error message. If you then go back to make a new request, even with a neutral key word, yahoo.cn refuses to respond. It takes one hour before the service can be used again. This method is not used by any other foreign search tools; only Baidu uses the same technique.
Reporters Without Borders calls for search engines operating in repressive countries to refuse to censor certain content said to be 「protected」, such as information on human rights and democracy. "We are convinced that these companies can still access the Chinese market without betraying their ethical principles. They must however adopt a firm and clear position in relation to the Chinese authorities」, it stressed.
Reporters Without Borders tested Chinese search engines by using the following 「subversive」 key words: 「6-4」 (4 June, date of the Tiananmen Square massacre), 「Falungong」, Tibet Independence」, 「Democracy」, 「Human rights」 and 「press freedom」. The first ten results displayed by each search egine were analysed and then divided into 「authorized」 and 「unauthorized」 sources of information.
Research test on "press freedom" (in Chinese), the first ten results:
- Google.com: 7 「unauthorized」, 3 「authorized」 sites (72 million results)
- Google.cn: 5 "unauthorized", 3 "authorized" (52 million results)
- Msn.cn (Beta): 3 "unauthorized", 7 "authorized" (800,000 results)
- Yahoo.cn: 1 "unauthorized", 9 "authorized" (240,000 results)
- Baidu.cn: 3 "unauthorized", 7 "authorized" (450,000 results)
Full results of the tests carried out by Reporters Without Borders :
Excel - 28.5 kb
Full results
Distribution of results (JPEG)
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。
