
發表:2006-04-25 02:20
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2006年4月20日,布希和胡錦濤在白宮會面時,作為大紀元記者的王文怡面對全球媒體的聚焦在現場喊出了 「停止活體摘除法輪功學員器官」、「法輪大法好」、「停止迫害法輪功」等口號。一時間此突發事件立即傳遍全球,她的呼聲終於打破了美國及世界主流媒體忽視法輪功學員在中國大陸所遭遇的屠殺,活摘器官和焚燒活體等事實的局面,同時王文怡的名字也一夜之間聞名全球,成為各個媒體和網志談論報導的熱點。






她用中文和英文的吶喊也對著美國總統布希例如「布希總統,阻止他殺人」和「布希總統,阻止他迫害法輪功。」中國觀眾看不到王文怡抗議的鏡頭。根據 AFP,「CNN電視說中國當局截斷了抗議鏡頭在中國的轉播。」

「王協助研究最近大紀元時報的器官摘除報導而且心情非常沈重,」大紀元時報發言人Terry Wu表示,「當她看到布希和中國領導人握手時,她覺得有責任說出來。」


2006年4月 21日,王文怡被聯邦法院以恐嚇、強迫、威脅、和騷擾國外官員起訴。在獄中等待一夜之後,王被正式以「知情而蓄意地恐嚇、強迫、威脅、和騷擾國外官員執行任務」的輕罪起訴,最高判處6個月監禁和5000元罰款。當王對記者宣讀一份已準備的聲明時,她說「我的所為只是在歷史一瞬間說幾句話。這是一個良知的行動和人民不服從的行動。」「我花了許多時間企圖阻止中國對法輪功的迫害,特別是摘除器官」。她被無保釋放,等待進一步的法律程序。

她的被控主要是因為具有威脅的言辭「胡錦濤主席,你的日子不多了」。大紀元時報以這類語言描述中國政府官員,並且以它的「退出共產黨」活動呼籲結束中共統治。不過王的辯護律師John Bos指出「在安全人員將王護送離媒體觀禮臺之前,一名攝影師從她的手中拉走橫幅並且試圖以手蓋住她的嘴讓她不能出聲。Bos表示可能是這個場面而不是王的喊話造成胡錦濤的演講停頓。


Wang Wenyi (Chinese: 王文怡; Pinyin: Wang Wenyi; born 1959) is a pathologist and journalist for the Falun Gong-affiliated newspaper The Epoch Times. Wang Wenyi is a Chinese national who has lived in America for 20 years of her life. Wang was trained in China as a medical doctor, holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Chicago, and recently completed her residency as a pathologist at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital.

On April 20, 2006, during Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States, she loudly protested for several minutes during a speech given by Mr. Hu.

Her shouts in Chinese and English were also directed toward American President George W. Bush with comments such as "President Bush, stop him from killing" and "President Bush, stop him from persecuting the Falun Gong." Chinese audiences will not see images of Wang Wenyi's protest. According to the AFP, 「CNN television said Chinese authorities blocked the transmission of its pictures of the protest in China.」

"Wang helped research the recent Epoch Times articles on organ harvesting and was "very overstressed"," the Epoch Times spokewoman Terry Wu said, "When she saw Bush shake the hand of the Chinese leader, she felt obligated to speak out".

What Dr. Wang was protesting was the persecution of people who practice Falun Gong in China. Since 1999, when the Chinese Communist regime banned Falun Gong, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally detained as prisoners in labour camps for refusing to recant their beliefs. They are routinely beaten, tortured, raped, and injected with mind-altering drugs. And recently, it was revealed that there are 36 concentration camps in China which harvest the organs of thousands of live Falun Gong practitioners.

On April 21, 2006, Wang Wenyi was charged in federal court with a misdemeanor of willfully intimidating, coercing, threatening and harassing a foreign official. After waiting overnight in jail, Wang was formally charged with "knowingly and willfully intimidating, coercing, threatening or harassing … a foreign official performing his duties," a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in prison and a fine of $5,000. Then Wang read a prepared statement to reporters. "What I did was say just a few words at a moment in history. It was an act of conscience and an act of civil disobedience." "I've devoted much of my time trying to stop the persecution of Falun Gong in China, especially the harvesting of organs," she said. She was released without bail pending further proceedings.

Her charges were based on threats of "President Hu, your days are numbered". The Epoch Times is known to use such language to describe Chinese government officials, and called for the overthrow of the Chinese communist government via its "Resign from CCP" campaign. But Wang's defense attorney, John Bos pointed that "Before the Secret Service escorted Wang from the media platform, a cameraman pulled the banner from her hands and tried to quiet her by placing his hands on her mouth. Bos said that, rather than Wang's shouts, could have caused Hu to pause in his remarks."

In 2001, she penetrated a security cordon in Malta during a visit of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin and got into an argument with him.

Wikipedia Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Wenyi

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