Rank University (Business School)
1 Dartmouth College (Tuck)
2 University of Michigan (Ross)
3 Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)
4 Northwestern University (Kellogg)
5 Yale University
6 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
7 University of California, Berkeley (Haas)
8 Columbia University
9 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
10 University of Southern California (Marshall)
11 University of Virginia (Darden)
12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
13 University of Chicago
14 Harvard University
15 Stanford University
16 New York University (Stern)
17 Duke University (Fuqua)
18 Cornell University (Johnson)
19 University of California, Los Angeles (Anderson)
The National ranking is based on how recruiters rated eachschool on 20 different attributes, their future plans torecruit at the school, and the number of survey respondentswho said they had recruited recently at the school. Theseschools enjoy a national reputation and tend to drawrecruiters from many of the same companies, usually largenational and multinational firms that pay high startingsalaries.
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