澳洲The Australian
加拿大The Globe and Mail
德國Süddeutsche Zeitung
美國The New York Times
英國The Guardian
日本The Japan Times
Dear World,
We are agroup of concerned citizens who have been among the two million protesters marching on the streets of Hong Kong.This is our sincere plea for your help to fight alaw that threatens our most basic freedoms.Let us tell you why you should care.
In 2019,the Hong Kong SAR Government proposed abill that would allow the extradition of alleged「fugitives」from Hong Kong to China,a country that is notorious for its disrespect for the rule of law.It is said that the judicial system in China has aconviction rate of about 99.9%,and prisoners suffer from violations of human rights.
Bankers,businessmen,tourists,and even ordinary Hongkongers could be arrested and sent to China for trials of alleged crimes and fabricated accusations.Hong Kong will cease to be afree economic zone,which has long been enjoyed by the world’s most prominent businesses.
This is why two million of us took to the streets this month.We were unarmed.We had only helmets,umbrellas and plastic wrap.In return,the police reacted by unleashing 150 tear gas canisters shot in close range,aiming batons at the heads of protesters,as well as firing rubber bullets and bean bag rounds.Numerous peaceful protesters were unjustifiably arrested,interrogated,and labelled「rioters」.
Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam has announced asuspension of the Extradition Bill.However,suspension does NOT mean the bill is withdrawn.We urge our government to agree to our three demands:
1.To completely withdraw the Extradition Bill.
2.To release all protesters unconditionally and undertake not to prosecute any of them.
3.To appoint an independent commission of inquiry to look into incidents of police brutality.
In view of the upcoming G20 summit and the meeting between Trump and Xi,we sincerely request you to deliver our concerns and demands to your governments.We want our voice to be heard by the international community.We will not stop fighting,but we need your support as well.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
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