Remarks by President Trump and President Duda of the Republic of Poland Before Bilateral Meeting
Issued on: June 12, 2019
Oval Office
12:11 P.M. EDT
美東時間 下午12:11
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. We have the very great privilege of having the President of Poland with us and his very powerful and lovely wife. Thank you very much. It’s great to be with you again.
And we are celebrating a lot of different things. The purchase of many F-35 aircraft by Poland — the finest jet in the world, they say. The finest fighter plane anywhere in the world. And you knew that; you had your choice.
我們正在慶祝許多不同的事情。他們說,波蘭購買了許多F-35飛機 - 世界上最好的噴氣式飛機。世界上最好的戰鬥機。你知道的;你有自己的選擇。
Poland has done really well, and they have really eclipsed anything that anybody thought. And their numbers are fantastic. Their economy is good. We’ve helped them a lot and they’ve helped us a lot. We have a tremendous trading relationship, and we’re going to be discussing numerous things today.
We’re going to have a pretty long meeting, and at the end of which I guarantee a lot of good things are happening. But they’re big buyers of our equipment, of our planes, and our munitions in every form, in every respect. And we’re going to keep it that way, and we appreciate it.
And on behalf of the First Lady and myself, I’d like to thank you both for coming to the Oval Office — a very special place. And we’ve been here before together. And I will never forget the speech I made in Poland. We were treated so well. The people are such a great group of people. And we had a tremendous day. I remember it very well. I won’t forget it. That was really rolling out the red carpet. We will not forget. Thank you very much.
我代表第一夫人和我本人,非常感謝你們來到橢圓形辦公室 - 一個非常特別的地方。我們以前也在這裡見過面。我永遠不會忘記我在波蘭所做的演講。我們受到了很好的接待。人民是如此偉大的一群人。我們度過了美好的一天。我記得很清楚。我不會忘記它。那是真正地的鋪開了紅地毯。我們不會忘記。非常感謝你。
PRESIDENT DUDA: Thank you. Mr. President. We also remember very well your speech. (Laughs.)
杜達總統:謝謝。總統先生。我們也很牢記著你的演講。 (笑)
Q Will there be Fort Trump in Poland?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Excuse me. Go ahead, please. (Inaudible.)
PRESIDENT DUDA: Mr. President, thank you very much for this excellent possibility to meet here in Washington with you, in the White House — second time during the last 10 months.
This is excellent opportunity to talk about the important issues in our bilateral relations and about the situation in NATO and the situation of security and defense in our part of Europe, and especially about the future cooperation in trade, and especially in the issue of energy, energy security. And I hope that we will have a lot to say during the press conference.
Q So will there be Fort Trump, sir?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: So we’re looking at doing things with Poland, including working with their military. And, as you know, Poland wants to build a great military facility for the United States. They’ll build it. They’re going to spend money. I mean, that’s up to them if they want to do it, but it’s something we’ll consider. But they’ll be putting up the money to build a very major military facility in Poland. And we are giving it very serious thought, and we’ll see how that all works out.
But they came to us. They liked the idea. And it’s something that we’re very interested in.
Q Mr. President, why shouldn’t Americans know why a citizenship question was added to the 2020 census?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: You’re talking about the census?
Q Yes, the census.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I think that — and I’m not overly involved in that. That’s really a legal matter. But I think when you have a census, and you’re not allowed to talk about whether or not somebody is a citizen or not, that doesn’t sound so good to me. Can you imagine, you send out a census and you’re not allowed to say whether or not a person is an American citizen? In Poland, they’d say they’re either Polish or they’re not. Right? So I don’t want to get you into this battle, but it’s ridiculous. I think it’s —
川普總統:嗯,我認為 - 而且我並沒有過於參與其中。這真的是一個法律問題。但我認為,當你進行人口普查時,你不能被允許談論某人是否是公民,這對我來說聽起來並不是那麼好。你能想像嗎?當你進行一次人口普查,你不被允許說一個人是否是美國公民?在波蘭,他們會說他們要麽是波蘭人,要麽他們不是。對嗎?所以我不想讓你捲入這場戰鬥,但這太荒謬了。我想這是 -
Q Why not release those documents, Mr. President? Why not let the American people see those documents, though?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think it’s totally ridiculous that we would have a census without asking.
But the Supreme Court is going to be ruling on it soon. I think when the census goes out, you should find out whether or not — and you have the right to ask whether or not somebody is a citizen of the United States.
但最高法院很快將對此作出裁決。我想當人口普查開始進行時,你應該知道是否 - 並且你有權詢問某人是否是美國公民。
Okay. Yes, ma’am.好的。
Q Mr. President, are the U.S. troops ready for deployment in Poland?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, we’re talking about it. That’s one of the reasons that we’re here. A lot of money is going to be spent on a facility — a military facility. A great one, in a very good location in Poland. And, actually, it will be spread over a little area. But, basically, one primary facility. We’ll see how it works out. We’re talking about it right now.
川普總統:嗯,我們正要談論它。這就是我們在這裡的原因之一。將大量資金將用於一個設施 – 一個軍事設施。一個偉大的設施,將建在波蘭非常好的位置。實際上,它將分布在一個小區域。但是,基本上, 是一個主要設施。我們看看這件事怎麽做。我們現在正在談論它。
Q Mr. President, do you consider Russia as a threat to Poland and to Europe?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I hope not. I’ll tell you what: We’re with everybody. And I hope not. I think that Russia will treat Poland with respect, just like the rest of the world is treating. Poland has really built up a great country. You know, they get hurt, unfortunately, too often. Right? Too often. They’re in the middle of everything. And when bad things happen, it seems that Poland is always the first one that’s in there. And it’s unfortunate.
No, I hope that Russia and Poland and Germany and everybody is going to get along. That’s what I want. I want everybody to get along.
Q (Inaudible) your reaction to the demonstrations in Hong Kong? Is China overplaying its hand here?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, they’re massive demonstrations. I looked today, and that really is a million people. A lot of times, people talk about they had 2,000 people but it was really 1,000 or it was 200. I see it all the time. I see it all the time. But when you look at this demonstration, they said it was a million people, and that was a million people. That was as big a demonstration as I’ve ever seen. So, I hope it all works out for China and for Hong Kong.
Q Are they sending a message to China with these demonstrations?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I don’t know what they’re sending them. I mean, that’s a demonstration that they’re having. I understand the reason for the demonstration, but I’m sure they’ll be able to work it out. I hope they’re going to be able to work it out with China.
Q Mr. President —
問:總統先生 -
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