Remarks by President Trump and President Macron of France in Joint Press Conference
特朗普總統和法國總統馬克龍在聯合新聞會上的講話 2018年4月24日上午
As far as Syria is concerned, I would love to get out. I’d love to bring our incredible warriors back home. They’ve done a great job. We’ve essentially just absolutely obliterated ISIS in Iraq and in Syria. And we’ve done a big favor to neighboring countries, frankly, but we’ve also done a favor for our country.
就敘利亞被關注而言,我很有意願退出(撤離)。我很想讓我們非凡的戰士們回家。他們做得非常好。我們實質上,完全摧毀了在伊拉克與敘利亞境內的ISIS。 我們為鄰國做了一件大好事,坦率的說,我們也為自己的國家做了一件好事。
With that being said, Emmanuel and myself have discussed the fact that we don’t want to give Iran open season to the Mediterranean, especially since we really control it. To a large extent, we really have controlled it and we’ve set control on it. So we’ll see what happens.
與此前說的一樣,馬克龍跟我討論過,事實上我們不想給伊朗在地中海有開放(漁獵)期,特別是我們仍掌握著(往地中海的路徑)。在很大程度上,我們確實掌握著, 並對此設下控制。所以讓我們靜觀其變。
But we’re going to be coming home relatively soon. We finished, at least, almost our work with respect to ISIS in Syria, ISIS in Iraq, and we have done a job that nobody has been able to do.
但我們(軍隊)將很快就會回家了。我們已經完成了,至少幾乎所有關於敘利亞和伊拉克的ISIS(方面的工作), 而且我們完成了一項任何人無法做到的工作。
But with that being said, I do want to come home. But I want to come home also with having accomplished what we have to accomplish. So we are discussing Syria as part of an overall deal. When they made the Iran deal, what they should have done is included Syria. When I say “should have” — before giving them, Iran, $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash — $1.8 million in cash. You think about this. Before giving this kind of tremendous money, okay — $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash — in barrels, I hear, it was taken out, and in boxes it was taken out — cash — they should have made a deal that covered Yemen, that covered Syria, that covered other parts of the Middle East where Iraq is — where Iran is involved. They didn’t do that.
但與此前所說,我確實想(召軍隊)回家,但我要(召軍隊)回家的前提是,達成所有我們需要達成的。所以我們在討論敘利亞(時),(敘利亞)是整個(伊朗)協議中的一部分。當他們達成伊朗(核)協議時,他們應該做的是包括敘利亞。當我說是「應該」(包括敘利亞),意思是,在給伊朗1500億美元和18億美元現金,(更正為)180萬美元的現金。你想想看。在給予這鉅額資金之前,好吧,1500億美元和18億美元現金,放在桶裏,我聽說(現金)從桶裏被拿出來,(現金)從盒子裏被拿出來,現金啊。他們應該達成一項包括也門在內的協議,涵蓋敘利亞,涵蓋受伊朗影響的其它中東地區, 他們沒有那樣做。
So we want to come home. We’ll be coming home. But we want to have a very, very strong — we want to leave a strong and lasting footprint, and that was a very big part of our discussion. Okay? Thank you.
所以我們(軍隊)要回家。我們將會回家。但我們要一個非常非常強的,我們想留下一個強大而持續的影響力。 這是我們討論中很主要的一部分。好吧?謝謝。
Q And just to follow up, if I may, sir. On North Korea, you said you believe in complete denuclearization. What does that mean exactly?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: It means they get rid of their nukes. Very simple. They get rid of their nukes, and nobody else would say it. It would be very easy for me to make a simple deal and claim victory. I don’t want to do that. I want them to get rid of their nukes.
川普:意思是他們自己革除他們的核武器, 非常簡單,他們自己革除他們的核武器, 然後沒有人會再說這件事。對我來說可以簡單處理這事,然後宣佈勝利了。我不要這樣做, 我要他們自己革除他們的核武器。
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