新聞聯播版春晚 走向「晚春「














In recent years, more and more Chinese TV viewers find the drama of CCTV Chinese New Year TV Show is not in the program but in the aftermath. The theme of the show is veered away from traditional celebration and family reunion, turning into an entertaining version of CCTV』s Daily News.Hence, an object of ridicule online.

To show its 「closeness to the people,」 the program used lots of Internet buzzwords.However, people gave it the cold shoulder.

Beijing resident Ms. Dong:「All things of CCTV are packaged up and fake…
Regardless of their brilliance, they are fake.」

Mr. Zhao of Heilongjiang:「It is a make-up show for those in power. We don』t watch that kind of thing! It is useless and makes us all angry every year.」

Southern Metropolis Daily believes, CCTV』s New Year TV show is overburdened
by missions and baggage.From its directors to the actors, all appear nervous.
It is unable to come close to the people now. On the Internet, it has become a laughing stock,as 「its drama is in the aftermath.」

Mrs. Zhao from Heilongjiang:「The system of the regime is a puppet-master.
If the directors don』t do as they』re instructed, their shows cannot be broadcasted on CCTV. So you can』t blame the directors or the actors.
The problem is the system.」

CCTV New Year TV Show used to be China』s focus.Though gradually declining during the past several decades, it has integrated into people's lives. Jinan Daily wrote, it no longer attracts the audience,but people still watch it as it is now a tradition. That』s why the show can still get some audience
although it is criticized every year. The report said, the CCTV New Year Show is withering away.

In regards to criticisms of the expensively-made show,writer Yefu told Deutsche Welle, the fundamental reason lies in China's censorship. The entire ruling elite interfere with the arts.The show is not made for the people.

The well-known Chinese cultural critic, 「Cutting Wood for a Decade」, thinks the programs in CCTV New Year Show are of poor quality, with evident control of ideology and speech. The programs used slogans such as 「effective leadership of officials ensures peace and prosperity.」

Beijing resident: We are able to use Free Gate Net to access more information and see things clearly.

The increasing unpopularity of CCTV New Year Show has drawn waves of criticism,
but it helps bring tons of money. Apart from 650 million yuan in commercials,
tickets sale also revealed that CCTV was the big winner. Some believe that following the cultural monopoly, performing arts resource monopoly and ratings monopoly, the show』s distribution channel is also monopolized.

Netizens posted online the 2011 Show sponsor list.It reveals 8 commercials planted in the show.

The show has gone beyond the traditional theme of family reunion, to become an entertaining version of CCTV Newsand a device for making money and making show.
Netizens commented: CCTV New Year Program, it is not easy to love you. Yeah, you need a revision.


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