1 從起床到出門
早上好!Good morning.
Did the alarm clock go off?(got off)是鬧鐘響的意思
Did the alarm clock buzz?
Did the alarm clock ring?
3 該起床了
It's time to get up.
It's time to wake up.
It's time to get out of bed.
It's time to get ready.
4 快點起床!
Get up soon.
5 你醒了嗎?
Are you awake.
6 你不舒服嗎?
Are you feeling sick.
7 睡得好嗎?
Did you sleep well?
8 能幫我關掉鬧鐘嗎?
Would you turn off the alarm clock?
9 你終於起來了。
You finally got up.
10 今天是個好天!
It's a nice day!
It's a beautiful day!
It's a wonderful day!
It's a great day!
11 昨晚你熬夜了?
Did you stay up late last night?
1Did you got to bed late last night?
12 把被子疊好。
Let's fold up the futon.
13 昨天晚上你打呼嚕了。
You were snoring last night.
14 我做了個可怕的夢。
I had a nightmare.
15 你一直沒關燈。
You left the light on.
16 我得洗臉了
I have to go wash my face.
17 該吃早飯了。
it's time to eat breakfast.
18 我還困著呢。
I'm still sleepy.
19 我還打哈欠呢。
I'm still yawning.
20 我是個夜貓子。
I am a night person.
21 我是用咖啡來提神的。
coffee wakes me up.
22 我得梳梳頭了。
I have to comb my hair.
23 穿什麼好呢?
What should I wear?
24 快換衣服。
hurry up and get dressed.
put those pajamas away!
26 我走了,媽媽。
I'm leaving. Mom!
27 今天我們逃學吧!
let's play hooky today!
28 你毛衣穿反了。
you're wearing your sweater inside out.
29 上下顛倒了。
it's upside down.
30 別忘了扔垃圾。
don't forget to take out the garbage.
It's your turn to take out the garbage.
32 今天你幹什麼?
What are you doing taday?
If you don't hurry, we'll be late.
34 快點,上學該遲到了!
Hurry or you'll be late for school.
Did you lock the door?
36 沒忘了什麼東西吧?
Aren't you forgetting something?
37 都已經8點了。
It's already 8:00.
I am late!
39 我得趕緊走。
I have to rush
40 你今天會回來得晚嗎?
Are you gonna be late tonight?
What time are you coming home?
42 飯盒帶了嗎?
Have you got your lunch box?
It might rain today.
44 出門的時候,可別忘了鎖門。
Don't forget to lock the door when you leave.
I am home.
I am back.
Welcome home.
Welcome back.
Did you have a good time today?
How did it go today?
How was your day?
Can I go out to play?
I am hungry.
Where are the snacks?
I am going to cram school now.
May I have my allowance?
I'm tired!
I'm exhausted!
I'm pooped(俚語)!
What would you like for dinner?
What do you want for dinner?
What do you want to eat for dinner?
Would you help me set the table?
(set the table是將刀叉和杯子在桌子上擺好,準備吃飯的意思)
What should I make for dinner?
What should I whip up for dinner?
What should I cook for dinner?
What should I fix for dinner?
It's good to be home!
There's no place like home!
It feels so good to be home!
Would you run to the store?
The bath is ready
I'm taking a shower
Is dinner ready
Mom, what's for dinner tonight?
What's for dinner?
Today, we're having curry.
How soon can you get it ready?(同how long 的區別)
Let's eat.(可以說I have already eaten嗎?)
Please go ahead.(可以說you are first嗎?)
This knife cute well, doesn't it?
The water is boiling。
Come and get it!
It's time to eat
I'm coming
Did you wash your hands well?
Don't spill it!
Eat all of your vegetables.
Finish up your plate.
I don't like asparagus.
It was very delicious. Thank you.
Would you clear the table?
81. 我真想睡個午覺。
I want to take a nap
82. 我去躺一會。
I'm going to lie down.
83. 你在裝睡呀!
You're pretending to be asleep.
84. 你睡著了嗎?
Were you sleeping?
85. 這間房子通風真差。
It's stuffy in this room.
86. 你去遛遛狗吧。
Will you take the dog for a walk?
87. 幫幫我吧。Help me.
88. 幫我照顧弟弟妹妹。
Take care of my brother and sister .
89. 把你的屋子收拾收拾。
Clean up your room.
90. 幫我打掃衛生。
Help me clean up the house.
91. 這是給你的。
This is for you.
92. 過生日想要什麼禮物?
What do you want for your birthday.
93. 我經常下班以後運動。
I usually work out after work.
大家要注意work out的用法啊!
Give more examples
work out (1. no object): exercise (usually in a gym, etc.) to build muscles, body tone, etc.
"Instead of eating lunch on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, arnold goes to the recreation center to work out."
work out (2. separable): solve a problem / resolve a difficult situation (usually by working together).
"I know we disagree on many points, but I believe we can work things out."
94. 我開始慢跑鍛練。
I have started jogging.
95. 我戒菸了。
I quit smoking.
96. 你經常做夢嗎?
Do you dream often.
97. 最近我總是丟三落四的。
I have been forgotten lately.
98. 什麼時候到期?
When is this due?
99. 交費日期截止到30號。
It's due on the thirtieth.
100. 你能幫我換一下零錢嗎?
Could you give me change?
101. 明天的天氣怎麼樣?
What's the forecast for tomorrow?
102. 今天的天氣怎麼樣?
How's the weather today?
103. 今天的天氣真好!
It's a fine day today!
104. 今天的天氣真熱!
It's a very hot today!
105. 今天會下雨嗎?
Is it going to rain today?
106. 好像要下雨。I
t's going to rain.
107. 今天很冷。
It's cold today.
108. 就是。
It sure is.
109. 今天冷嗖嗖的。
It's chilly today.
110. 今天風很大。
It's windy today.
111. 下雪了。
It's snowing。
112. 天陰沉沉的。
It's gloomy.
113. 有人在嗎?
Hello. Anyone home.
114. 歡迎,請進。
Please come in.
115. 你能來,太好了。
How nice of you to come.
116. 別客氣,像在自己家一樣。
Please feel free to make yourself at home。
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