尤金說,"可能是他自己的錢"。 若漢說:"他不可能有那麼多的錢"。 約翰和傑克遜有同樣的想法。 然後他們就進了尤金的家。
Robber learns a lesson
One sunny day a mysterious person was walking up oakdale street . Eugene and his 3 friends John,Jackson and rohan were walking past oakdale street.suddenly a girl named Katherine ran up to ugene and told him "someone came out of a bank with bags and bags of money and is getting on his truck!"
"Eugene said "maybe that is his money ." Jackson,john and rohan all thought that he can't have that much money.
They walked into Eugene's house .
Katherine walked toward the window and saw the robber going into a house.
she went and told Eugene,John,Jackson and Rohan.She lead them to catch the robber.
Eugene found a rope and knocked on the door Luckily the door was not closed.Then they went inside.
They saw the robber sleeping on a couch "this is a opportunity for us."said Jackson. So they
pushed him 2 times and he woke up. He said "what are you doing?" They said we are telling the police on you ." at that time Katherine called the police.
"That's what you get for stealing money." Eugene said.
The police came and took him away .
In jail, the robber learned a lesson and never stole any more money.
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