3/22 連宋中外記者會實況記錄:外國記者提問part 1
Catherine from International Times: I would like to ask Chairman Lien and Chairman Soong if the suit filed by you under legal procedure is handled according to Taiwanese law, the election recall law, will you accept a result of a recount that is conducted during that lawsuit if it still shows that Mr. Chen is the winner of the election?
Lien: Well, I think the court is our last resort in this case. We have asked the court to conduct a transparent, immediate recount. We hope they will agree to this, and start to recount immediately. So this is [still] depending, because whether they are going to recount or not, we do not know. But the margin is razor-thin---it is only 0.2 percent. And I think we are entitled to a speedy and fair recount. If my memory serves [me] well, then I remember in the last United State's [presidential] election, something came out in Florida. The margin was 0.5 percent, and there was a recount. So in this case, it is only about 0.2 percent. There is a better reason to expect a recount. [Also,] we believe that we will respect the results of the recount.
Soong: May I add a few comments on what Lien just said. There is a so-called legal problem. Basically, it affects our constitutional, uh, crisis. We are a so-called young democracy, so both the parties DDP and KMT agree the people can raise the question about the validity of the election outcome.
This is why we want to seek a meeting with the president if he agrees. This is a constitutional crisis of having a recount.
NY Times: I would like to ask both of you if you have been in touch with the defense minister within the last three days? Did you encourage him to resign? Would you expect him to provide any support for your contention that military forces have been improperly denied the privilege to vote?
Thank you.
Lien: Well, I have not privately talked to the defense minister not only in the past three days, but almost in the past three years. So there has been no contact [between us and him].
But, I don't know whether his resignation was influenced by the fact that the so-called, "national security alert," was started after the gun shot.
And, I don't know how many military personnel, including military police, and regular police forces were deprived the voting rights because of this decision made only about a few, less than 24 hours before the election.
[Whether General Tang's] decision, [was] influenced by this event or not, I do not know. But we do expect the president to give the nation, [and] the country an explanation, [so that we can] to find out why the people---numerous members of the military and police forces were deprived their voting rights under the so-called national security alert. At the same time, the central election commission made the decision that the election can go, can continue, under normal conditions. This is rather, well, controversial. If it is normal, one side is normal, one side is not normal, then which is true? We don't know! So, this is one point that is beyond recounting. This is one thing more! This is something else.
Soong: By the way, I wish to want to add that I didn't meet or contact with Gen. Tang, either. In other words, I didn't have any contact, just for the past few years, I didn't get a chance to talk to him, because this is very sensitive. [Because] he is a member of the KMT, I did not have the chance to meet with him. But, I want to add one more point, that is, not only the [timing of the] decision to introduce the so-called national security mechanism, or to impose on this country a national security alert [is in question,
but] Minister Tang was quoted to have said, "there was no unusual military activities on the other side of Taiwan Strait." [Again,] He was quoted to have said this: "there was no unusual military activities on the other side of Taiwan Strait." So there was no military reasons or defense reasons for this country to introduce the so-called, "national security alert," which actually deprived thousands of the military personnel of their rights to vote in this election.
Lien: You mentioned General Tang, and it reminds me that not long ago he had publicly expressed his view that he was for the absentee voting system, or the absentee voting institution for the military.
Ho: Let me just add quickly that the number of those military police personnel who were deprived the right to vote is about 200,000.
The lady on the right... (Next question)
QUESTION 3 (9:30-12:00)
Mary from Public Radio International: I would like to ask for a clarification.
You are asking for both a recount and for the entire to election to be declared null and void. If there is a recount, and you're found to have won, are you going to decide that the election was fair?
Lien: Whether there will be a recount is to be decided by the court, by the judicial process...
Soong: May I answer the question first?
Lien: Yeah, Please.
Soong: I think the whole election process is very unfair. But still under that circumstances, we feel that we are confident [that] we still can win because we are notified by many many people here in Taiwan [that] they have noticed the corruption, and the poor performance, and the incompetence of
the incumbent administration under the leadership of president Chen. So, there is no connection between just the unfairness and THE result. But, [for] the first step, we feel that one part [to resolve] the unfairness, is the recount. If we can establish, that [if] we take those invalid ballots
we still can win, even on that amount, [that would be enough].
Su: The lady in the back, and then the gentleman in the front.
QUESTION 4 (12:00-20:00)
Chen for the Associated Press: I would like ask Mr. Lien and Mr. Soong,
you are demanding a meeting with Mr. Chen Sui-Bian. What would you say to him when you meet with him then?
Lien: Well, I would say that this election has create a unprecedentedly constitutional, Uh, crisis. Because the,.. what is the issue involved? Not only the ordinary legal process, but the constitutional problem. The legitimacy
and the legality of the country (and the government) is being put in doubt.
When people have this kind of position and doubt, I think it is the responsibility of President Chen to come up, come out, and face the nation, and solve the issue. This is what I want to tell him.
And then secondly, the three points that we have mentioned here. We demand a immediate, public, transparent recount of all the ballot. This would not be the first time that we do this. We have been doing this in the past.
This is particularly because the margin is razor-thin, as I said. It is therefore necessary that we do this immediately. Although this is not [part of] the presidential power, but at least he should express his support to the court, to go ahead with the recount. And, up to this point, he has been
reticent on this issue. [Maybe] he would say that this is not my power, [or that] this is a problem for the judiciary or the court. But this is an issue involving himself. So I think he must express his own stand.
And secondly, of course that you will accept an investigation board, or task force, or a team of specialists, organized by either international or domestic specialists, investigating the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, surrounding the so-called, "gunshot." There are so doubts,
so many suspected doubts. [T]his is what we demand. And also this is not the first time. In the past we did have the same problems, that we invited the international specialist to come do some coincident investigation.
And the third point is the so-called, "nation security alert." Why was it started, [and why did] the event only effect the personnel in the military and police forces. And at the same time the election went [on] [un]affected.
Those are the questions we like to ask. The basic point is that there is a confidence crisis in this country. The people, a great number of our people do not believe our government. So, how trust our government? So [if you ask] the government, [it] will reply that if you have doubts, why don't you go to the criminal police bureau and find [it] yourself? But the problem is that the people do not trust this process. That is my answer.
Soong: Let me add [why this is] important. The reasons that we want to request the audience with the president is so urgent and we feel it is very urgent and necessary [is] because, number 1, if this constitutional disputes cannot
be settled before May 20, our incumbent term of president of office is going to be expired and terminated. By that time, then [if the] constitutional crisis [has] not been resolved, according to our democratic process we don't have an elected president. Who is going fill that position? This is a genuine
question. And as you know that the legal procedure takes time. The legal procedure takes time. If this legal procedure prolongs and drags on, then our country faces a serious constitutional crisis. That's one.
Second, rumors will spread out that the government is trying to move in police forces, thousands of them, to the presidential office squares. And, if the crush between the demonstrators and these police force become bloodshed, it is going to be very serious. Not only domestically, as you know, these may cause serious repercussions. That is second. Third one, if these crisis prolong, our economy is going to be seriously affected as you have noticed from the today's stock market.
問題五 (20:00-21:20)
QUESTION 5 (20:00-21:20)
(Unknown): According to the State Public Prosecutor-general of the supreme court, Mr. Lu Jen-fa, the evidence of the DNA on the bullet shows that the blood was Mr. Chen's. Do this [help to] dispel your doubts about the [gunshot], or the doubts about whether he is injured or not injured?
Lien: I'm not a forensic expert. But I believe whether, in any case, the blood should be Mr. Chen's blood. Whether injured or not, I don't know. I am not a forensic expert, but the blood should be his, because it would be find out eventually.
問題六 (21:20-22:30)
QUESTION 6 (21:20-22:30)
Knight Ridder Newspapers: Clear the country is very divided. The stock market went down today. [The people] are unclear about what happened. Are you concerned that you are going to be perceived as sore losers?
Lien: Are we going to be concerned?
Knight Ridder Newspapers: Are you concerned that so指控me people are seeing you as sore losers that you haven't mounted sufficient evidence to back [your claims]?
Lien: Sore loser...
Soong: As I have said at the beginning, I even had it written [as] an opening remarks. These sure is a painful decision to make, but we have decided to reject the election result not because we can not accept the losing, [but] because we won't compromise Taiwan's vital democracy, and principle and
mechanism of fair and just competition.
問題七 (22:30-27:15)
QUESTION 7 (22:30-27:15)
Allen Patterson from Bloomberg News: This is a very simple question. How soon are you going to call off the protest outside. How soon are you going to end the protest. And, what do you hope to accomplish by its continuation.
Lien: I hope we can answer the question. We have been trying to calm them down the first night. We wanted to calm them down and send them home the first night. But it was impossible. So I like to answer your question that the crowd is not a manipulated crowd. I think you find the Mayor Ma has
tried. Maybe some other people have tried. But [did not succeed.] So, I don't really know. But I think the government should do something.
Allen: Have you asked crowd outside to go home? But I think if YOU called them to go home they would listen.
Lien: Do you think so?
Allen: I am asking YOU!
Lien: I think the government can do something.
Allen: But they are your supporters!
Lien: They are my supporters? They are my supporters, but I think they have a legitimate right to [protest], and the reason is, [we don't know] what is the reason the recount cannot be done? Recount! And the investigation.
In addition to our own police investigation, you can also invite some outsiders, so that you can really clarify certain issues. And people can agree that this is indeed the case, nothing but the truth. So [only] the government can respond in such a way.
Allen: I don't think you answered my question. I just want to know when you are going to call off the protest outside. And, what to hope to accomplish by its continuation.
Lien: (!!) I, I, I don't think I can end the protest.
Allen: Is it out of your control?
Lien: It is out of my control, yes.
Soong: I want to say these two things. One is that our supporters, they feel that their constitutional rights to elect the president has been deprived simply because the election fraud. So, on the other hand, we have seen unusually
high proportion of invalid ballots and also we have sought to compile all those information and solid information from these supporters. There are numerous, many many evidence [that] their constitutional rights to elect their own preferred president is not been respected.
Lien: The first night I told the [crowd] it's already very late, it's already very late. And, it's about the time that we leave. But the response was, "Why you are so weak? Chairman, why you are so weak?"
Soong: They said, "Mr. Lien, why are you so weak? 站起來, stand up!" That's the language Mr. Chen insulted our presidential candidate.
QUESTION 8 (27:15-37:34)
International Radio: To us outsiders, observers, it doesn't look like you are trying very hard to disperse this crowd, and you are not doing [it].
So, do you realize you might be playing Beijing's game? Second question, you published this afternoon a long list of why the election was pisted, [part of the book was] in English, including this very serious allegation that a hundred and ninety thousand military police and emergency person were affect, abate from voting. This a huge accusation because the margin is only thirty thousand, so everybody can see that. [If] two hundred thousand people have been affected from voting, this is huge. Now, we checked with the Ministry of Defense and the Executive Yuan, nobody is confirming this
number. So, if this accusation is wrong, it's a very big one. And so, can you back it? Or, should you be responsible for spreading such a tremendous accusation?
Su: ...
Lien: 我知道, but did I see the two hundred thousand? You said it! (Pointing to Su) Hundred ninety thousand? 十九萬? Who said that? My party?
連戰:我知道,可是那是二十萬嗎?二十萬是你說的!(指著蘇起) 十九萬?誰說的?我的政黨?
International Radio: This is actually the number of the total ground staff of your army, not counting maybe an error. So, it doesn't make sense.
Lien: Including police, yes. Military personnel including police.
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